Book: Luke Print ( PC Only ) LUKE 23:33, 34 "FORGIVENESS" Intro: Man had now done his worst. First sin was suicide, next was fratricide, but this is dieacide. I. "THEN SAID JESUS, FATHER FORGIVE THEM THEY KNOW NOW WHAT THEY DO." A. Tradition has this prayer uttered as they were driving the spikes. 1. Whether then or when cross ,implanted in the ground, not really known. 2. First statement uttered, from the cross. B. Jesus public ministry began with prayer. 1. At His baptism. C. He is now ending His public ministry with prayer. 1. He sought to teach us the value of prayer. 2. His was a life of prayer. a. He often resorted to it for guidance b. He more often resorted to it for strength. c. Now He is praying for others. D. What does this teach us about prayer? 1. When we can do nothing else, we can still pray. a. He could no longer walk through their villages. b. He could no longer reach forth His hand to touch them and heal. c. Yet He could still pray. d. Maybe your life has become very restricted. 2. NO one is beyond the power of prayer. a. We are prone to give up on people. 1. We think they will never change. 2. No hope for them. b. Jesus was praying for those crucifying Him. 3. It shows the tremendous power of prayer. a. Peter's sermon at healing of lame man. 1. "And now brethren, I know that..." II. "FATHER FORGIVE THEM, FOR THEY KNOW NOT WHAT THEY DO." A. Here we see Jesus identifying Himself with sinful man. 1. He is asking His Father to forgive. 2. During His ministry He had exercised His divine prerogative in forgiving sins. a. To woman with costly ointment. b. To palsied man, "that ye might know." B. Here we see mans greatest need, forgiveness. 1. Even sins of ignorance need forgiving. 2. Jesus constantly emphasized the great debt the Father had forgiven us. a. Also His willingness to forgive. b. He created a basis for forgiveness. C. Here we see a marvelous example of one practicing what He preached. 1. "Bless those that curse you, pray for those who despitfully use you." 2. He constantly taught the importance of forgiveness. a. You can't afford to hold a grudge. 1. It will play havoc with your mental balance 2. Dr. Jones will tell you that if people would just forgive and receive forgiveness, he would have to go back to medicine. D. "Be ye kind one to another." a. Our daughter Cheryl b. "Even as God, for Christ sake, has forgiven us." |