Book: Ezekiel
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Ezekiel 20:41                    Accepted in the Beloved

I. The situation: The elders of Israel had come to Ezekiel to inquire
   of the Lord for them, but God would not accept them.
        A. The reason for His rejecting them.
                1. The horrible abominations of their fathers that the
                   Lord traced back in their history all the way to Egypt.
                2. Their history was one of continual rebellion against
                3. It was only His mercy that they were not destroyed as a
                4. Over and over they provoked God to anger.
                5. These men were continuing in the sins of their fathers.
        B. Through the prophet Isaiah God had declared that His hand was
           not short that He could not save, neither was His ear heavy
           that He could not hear, but their sins had separated them from
                1. This has been a perennial truth through the ages, sin
                   will separate you for God.
                2. You are unacceptable to God in your sin.
                3. You cannot come to God laden in your sins, and expect
                   God to accept you.
                4. Sometimes the most reprobate persons will claim to be
                   members of the church, or speak about their prayers.
                        a. They may come and sit in the pew, and sing the
                           hymns, and maybe even drop something in the 
                           offering, but God has not accepted them.
                        b. They may have offered their prayers, but God
                           has not listened to them.
                5. Your sin is an affront to God. It is offensive to Him,
                   God said that the hands they were lifting to Him in 
                   prayer were covered with blood. They had shed the blood
                   of the innocent, they had sacrificed their babies to
                   the god Molech, these hands that had thrown the babies
                   into the fires are the hands now lifted to God in
                   prayer, and God swore that He would not accept them.
        C. The prophet then spoke of a new day when God would accept them.

II. "I will accept you with your sweet savor." vs.41
        A. The sacrifices were spoken as being a sweet smelling savor unto
        B. The first mention of it was when Noah came out of the Ark and
           offered a sacrifice unto God, and God smelled the sweet savor
           and promised never to destroy the earth again with a flood.
        C. In Exodus 30:34 Moses was commanded to make a special perfume
           for the Lord to be kept in the tabernacle of the congregation
           where God met with the people.
                1. This perfume was to made of equal parts of stacte,
                   onycha, galbanum, and frankincense.
                2. It was to be combined according to the art of the
                   apothecary then beaten very small.
                3. Some see in this a type of Jesus Christ.
                        a. The equal blending of His character, grace and
                           truth; mercy and justice; Some men are strong
                           in some areas, yet weak in others. There was a
                           wonderful balance in the life of Jesus.
                        b. He went through a awesome crucible of suffering
                           for us, as He was wounded for our
                           transgressions, and bruised for our iniquities,
                           and bore the cross for our transgressions.
        D. Our sins rise as a repugnant smell unto God, they cause us to
           be rejected by Him. If you should seek to come to him by virtue
           of your own righteousness, God would say, "What is that smelly
           thing, remove it from My presence." Our righteousness is as
           filthy rags in the sight of God. The smell of our sins far
           overshadows any fragrance of beauty that might come from our
                1. As the elders of Israel that were sitting before the
                   prophet that they might seek answers from God, God
                   would say also of you and me, "As I live, I will not be
                   inquired of by them."
                2. To even seek to come to God in my sinful state is and
                   insult and an affront unto Him.

II. The joyful state of being accepted in the Beloved.
        A. As Paul is writing to the Ephesians about the marvelous
           spiritual blessings that are ours through Jesus Christ, near
           the top of the list, he declares that we are accepted in the
                1. God had declared to the elders that the day would come
                   when He would accept them with their sweet savor. 
                   Prophetically that day is still future, when they will
                   finally acknowledge that Jesus is indeed their Messiah.
                2. Oh what a sweet savor Jesus Christ is unto the Father.
                        a. God said of Him, "This is My beloved Son in
                           whom I am well pleased."
                        b. His perfect life, and His perfect submission to
                           the will of the Father was as a sweet perfume.
                3. Jesus said that when the Holy Spirit would come, that
                   He would testify of sin, righteousness, and judgment to
                   come. Of sin because they believe not on Me, of 
                   righteousness because I ascend unto My Father. What is
                   meant by that statement, of righteousness because I
                   ascend unto My Father?
                        a. Basically, He is saying that My ascension into
                           heaven is a testimony of the righteousness that
                           God will accept to allow you an access to Him.
                        b. Anything less will not allow you access to
                        c. You may say, "But God, I am more righteous than
                           Chuck, he honks at wild drivers on the
                           freeway." and God will answer you, "That is
                           very true, but Chuck is not My standard for
                           righteousness, My Son Jesus has set the
        B. I can assure you that God will never accept the substandards
           that you are trying to present to Him, even on your best day
           you fall far short of the standard He requires.
                1. The only way that you can ever hope to be accepted by
                   God is through the sweet savor of Jesus Christ.
                2. Jesus says, "Come, I will take you to My Father." And
                   as the sweet fragrance of Christ surrounds me, I come
                   into the presence of God, and He accepts me. That sweet
                   fragrance of Jesus is sufficient to cover the smell of
                   my iniquities.
                3. God says to us, "I will accept you with your sweet
                4. That sweet savor is necessary to cover any sin.
                        a. Some say that they are not too bad.
                        b. I must confess some of you are very good, but
                           none of you are good enough to be accepted by
                           God  without the sweet savor. God is pure, God
                           is holy, He will accept nothing less than
                           purity and holiness. The spices for the perfume
                           were required to be pure and holy.
                        c. Their is only one person in all the history of
                           mankind who lived a pure and holy life. Only
                           one who could say "I do always those things
                           that please the Father."
                5. That sweet savor is sufficient to cover the vilest
                        a. You may say I am a murderer, "The blood of
                           Jesus Christ God's Son cleanses a man from all
                        b. But I have committed adultery, I have hurt the
                           one I love by my folly, "The blood of Jesus
                           Christ, God's Son cleanses a man from all sin."
                        c. But you object, I have taken all kinds of
                           drugs, and have started others on a life of
                           drugs that has destroyed them.
                6. I will admit, your life really stinks, but God will
                   accept you with the sweet savor of Jesus Christ.