Book: Ezekiel
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Ezekiel 11:19                         A New Heart
Intro. In the first part of the chapter Ezekiel is prophesying of the
       coming destruction of Jerusalem and the scattering of the people
       into all of the world. He then addresses his message to those who
       have been scattered abroad.

I. God's promise to His remnant.
        A. I will be as a little sanctuary unto them, in the lands where
           they had been scattered.
                1. He would watch over them in the alien, and hostile
                2. He would be as a shield of protection for them.
                3. Oftentimes I feel like a stranger in this world in
                   which we live.
                        a. I watch with dismay as a judge orders the Boy
                           Scouts to admit into the scouting program
                           two little brothers who object to the word God
                           being in the scout oath.
                        b. The scouting program was initiated to instill
                           strong moral values in the young people. Their
                           aim has been to teach a loyalty to God and
                                1. If the atheistic parents don't like
                                   that, then let them start another club
                                   for their children.
                                2.           s are pressing to become
                                   scout leaders, what would be your
                                   reaction to sending your boy to a
                                   summer camp led by a          ?
                                3. If they want to start their own club
                                   for young men let them do so, and if
                                   any parents are so stupid as allow
                                   their children to join, so be it. But
                                   don't tamper with a program that is
                                   already established with higher moral
                                4.            activity is immoral, and
                                   under no circumstances can be
                                   considered natural. God in speaking
                                   of it, speaks of reprobate minds, and
                                   calls it unnatural affections.
                        c. I wonder how long before the pledge of
                           allegiance to the flag is ruled
                           unconstitutional by some Brown appointed judge
                           because it speaks of one nation under God.
                4. These things cause me to feel like I don't belong in my
                   own country, I like Abraham feel like a stranger and a
                   pilgrim on this planet, and I am looking for a city
                   which has a solid foundation whose maker and builder is
                5. You who long for the kingdom of God to come, for His
                   will to be done in this earth, even as it is in heaven,
                   God has promised to be as a little sanctuary to you. He
                   will surround you and protect you.
        B. He promised to deliver them from their captivity and to give to
           them the land of Israel.
        C. He promised to give to them one heart, and put a New Spirit
           within them.
                1. He said that He would remove the heart of stone, and
                   give to them a heart of flesh.
                2. The problem with many people today is that they have
                   hardened their hearts so long against God and the
                   things of God that their hearts have become as a stone.
                        a. They are set in their ways of sin, and have no
                           intention of changing.
                        b. All of the pleading, and entreaties from God
                           are met with a stony resistance.
                3. Their is another analogy that is used in the scriptures
                   concerning the heart. God promised Jeremiah the
                   prophet, that day would come when God would no longer
                   write His laws on tables of stone, but upon the fleshly
                   tablets of a mans heart.
                        a. God was declaring that He was not seeking some
                           legal relationship with man, but was looking
                           for a loving relationship.
                        b. God is not interested in binding you to some
                           legal contract written in stone. He desires
                           that you serve Him with a heart that is
                           motivated by your love for Him.
                        c. He does not want to bind you with chains to
                           force obedience, but wants your love for Him
                           to exceed your love for anything else, and
                           your service to Him to rise spontaneously from
                           a heart of love.
                        d. The story of Ulysses and Orpheus.
        D. This heart of flesh was that they might walk in His statutes
           and keep His ordinances to do them. Not by force, but by
                1. God will not force you to love Him or force you to
                   serve Him.
                2. He will give to you a heart of flesh that is after Him.
                3. I have observed with keen interest how a person changes
                   when they have received Jesus Christ as their Savior. I
                   have watched a person who was so hard and bitter,
                   become tender and loving.
                        a. The Air Force captain that lived next door to
                           us in Tucson.
        E. This heart of flesh will be accompanied by a new spirit.
                1. New attitudes toward the detestable things of the
                   world. Many times a person when He has received Jesus
                   Christ finds, that the things he once loved, he now
                   hates, and visa versa.
                2. Paul tells us that if any man be in Christ, He is a new
                   creature, the old things have passed away, and behold
                   all things become new.
        F. He promises to them that with this change of heart and spirit,
           they will become His people, and He will become their God.