Book: Ezekiel
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Ezekiel 8:7-12 The All Seeing God
Intro. Ezekiel has been taken by God in a vision back to Jerusalem where
he is allowed to see the abominations that are bringing the
judgment upon the people. He sees a hole in the wall and is
commanded to dig through the wall. Once inside he is horrified
by all of the pornography that is painted upon the walls inside
of the room. He is then informed by God that what he is seeing
is the imagery or thoughts of the leaders of Israel.
I. Two false assumptions.
A. The Lord seeth us not.
1. Throughout the Bible one truth is emphasized over and
over and that is that God sees and knows everything.
2. In the book of Genesis it declares that at the time of
Noah, that God saw that the imaginations of men's
hearts was only evil continually.
3. Heb. 4:13 "Neither is their any creature that is not
manifest in His sight, but all things are naked and
opened to the eyes of Him with whom we have to do."
4. God said to Samuel, "Man looks on the outward
appearance, but God looks upon the heart."
5. In I Chron. 28:9 David said to his son Solomon, "Know
the God of your father and serve him with a perfect
heart, and a willing mind. For the Lord searcheth all
the hearts, and understands the imaginations of the
6. The Lord looks on the walls of your mind, and knows the
pictures and the fantasies that are there.
7. Why would a person think that God does not see?
a. Limited concept of God.
1. Perhaps they have been worshipping
idols, and their idol cannot see.
2. They have been clever and able to hide
from man's detection.
b. Because God is so patient and long-suffering.
Many people have misinterpreted the
long-suffering of God for ignorance.
8. The real question is what does God see on the walls of
your mind?
B. That God has forsaken the earth. i.e. He is so far removed from
the earth and man that it really doesn't matter to Him how you
live or act.
1. More and more as people are coming under the influence
of the New Age Movement, they are beginning to think of
God as some sort of an impersonal force. He is a
Universal consciousness.
2. One thing the Bible asserts over and over is the fact
that He is a personal God vitally interested in His
a. Jesus spoke of His being aware of every sparrow
that fell to the ground.
b. Jesus said that God knew the number of hairs on
your head.
3. I would not blame Him if He did forsake the earth, but
such is not the case.
II. What these two false premises led to.
A. An unbridled evil.
1. Moral values are not innate within a child, they are
a. A child must be taught not to lie, steal,
or hit.
b. A child must be taught to share his toys
or candy.
c. Foolishness is bound up in the heart of a
child those frontiers must be driven back.
2. The heart by nature is deceitful and desperately
a. The moment you remove the restraining force of
an all seeing and knowing God, men will follow
the perverse nature of the flesh.
b. Pornography will proliferate. , and
other of ed sex will increase. Don't let
anyone seek to deceive you into thinking that
activity is normal, or natural. It
is no more natural or normal than the desires
of a .
c. Fornication and adultery will become common
d. Crime will increase, and gangs will rule the
3. The humanists decided to remove God from the national
life of America, and using the A.C.L.U. as their tool
with a liberal Supreme Court began to receive a series
of judgments by which they slowly began to remove God
from the classroom, from the community, and finally
from the minds of the people. We are beginning to reap
the consequences of those rulings in a society of
uncontrolled evil.
4. The same thing had happened in Israel. They thought
that God could not see, and that he had forsaken the
earth. The same abominations began to pollute the land,
that we see polluting our land today.
B. A corruption of government.
1. Judges began taking bribes, true justice was no longer
forth coming.
2. Men were ruling for their own personal gain.
3. Government was out of control, it began to exist for
itself rather than for the people.
4. Unprincipled men were in positions of power and
5. Their chief goals were the perpetuating of themselves
in power, and the extensions of that power. This is
known as politics.
C. This all brought about a nation that was so weak morally that
they no longer had the will or strength to defend themselves
against the enemy nations.
1. We used to say the land of the free, and the home of
the brave.
a. Our freedoms have been gradually taken from us
until you can no longer remove a tree from your
own yard without a permit in many cities.
b. We used to boast in our freedom, and liberty,
and the battle cry was to defend our freedom.
They have left nothing to defend.
III. Be assured that God does see, and know, and one day every man will
stand before God and have to answer to Him for their conduct.
A. In Romans 2:16 Paul speaks of the day when God will judge the
secrets of all men. In Romans 14 he tells us that every one of
us will give an account of himself before God.
1. I Cor. 4:5 Therefore judge nothing before the time,
until the Lord come, who both will bring to light the
hidden things of darkness, and will make manifest the
counsels of the hearts.
2. One day you will answer before God.
B. Only one of two things will happen to your sin.
1. It will be confessed to Jesus and forgiven.
2. It will be judged before God in true judgment in which
the thoughts and motives will also be considered.