Book: Ezekiel
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A. Always seek to blame someone else.
1. "Adam, where art thou?"......"I heard You coming and I
hid myself..."
"Have you eaten of the tree?"......"The woman that
Thou gavest me..."
a. Not sure if he is trying to blame Eve or God.
2. Land of Judah fast becoming desolate.
a. "The fathers ate sour grapes."
3. God is not fair - "the ways of the Lord are not..."
B. Each must bear his own guilt.
1. "The soul that sinneth it shall die."
a. The son does not answer for the father.
b. Some day every sinner will stand alone before
God's great judgment throne.
1. You will answer for only one person.
2. God said you cannot use the proverb.
a. If your teeth are set on edge it's because you
have eaten the sour grapes.
II. "GOD'S CALL TO THE SINNER" - "Repent and turn yourselves from your
A. The answer for your sin does not lie in blaming someone else.
1. The first thing is to acknowledge guilt.
a. Jesus spoke of two men's prayers.
2. Then seek forgiveness.
B. The answer lies in turning your life over to Christ.
1. "Just as I am..."
a. Unreformed sinner.
b. Don't seek to be good first. If you could make
it, then you wouldn't need Christ.
2. "If we confess our sin, He is faithful and just to
forgive us our sin and cleanse us." Leave the
cleansing process to Him.
A. This is not a threat. God does not threaten - nor should we.
"Stop that screaming or I'll knock your head off!"
B. Your sin will ruin you.
1. The ruined lives from sin.
a. The ruined homes from sin.
3. This is the very nature of sin - to ruin.
a. Everywhere it goes.
b. Anything it touches.
c. Be it nation, city or individual.
4. What is sin?
C. Your sin will kill you - "The Soul that sinneth it shall die."
1. We don't understand the word death.
a. Separation - not the end. "Moreover the rich
man died, and in hell" - Spirit and soul no
longer imprisoned in body.
2. God has no pleasure in the death of the wicked.
D. If they will turn to God they will live.
1. He will not mention again their transgressions.
a. Look back at that huge load of guilt.
Here it is, saith the Lord - I have this day set before the two paths, the
path of life and the path of death. You must now decide for yourself which
path you will walk - The one that leads to my eternal life, or the one
that carries you to your ruin and final destruction.