Book: Ezekiel
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Ezekiel 6:9                  God's Broken Heart
Intro. There used to be a song that became quite popular whose lyrics
           went, "The greatest thing you'll ever learn is to love and be
           loved in return." One of the saddest things you can ever
           experience is to love and not be loved in return. God loves
           you, and he desires to be loved in return.

I. God speaks of being broken with the whorish heart of the people of
        A. In the beginning God created man that He might have someone
           to love and to love Him.
                1. God was looking for love.
                2. For love to be truly meaningful, there has to be
                   freedom of choice.
                        a. A robot may be created that can do many
                           functions in place of a human being, but a
                           robot can never be created that can offer
                           meaningful love.
                        b. Why? Because a robot cannot be created that
                           can make a choice, it can only operate within
                           the programmed parameters.
        B. Man used his capacity of choice in a destructive way. He choose
           to follow his own lust, rather than the will of God.
                1. This brought alienation from God a broken relationship.
                2. Man had a love that was greater than his love for God.
                3. This turning from God brought pain, suffering and
        C. God still loved mankind and sought to restore man to a loving
           relationship with Himself. He looked for a man who would live
           in simple trust and faith in Him, that through His descendants
           He might bring the Messiah into the world.
                1. God found such a man, his name was Abraham, and God
                   promised him that he would make of him a great nation,
                   and through his descendant, all of the world would be
                2. Thus God began to create from his descendants the
                   nation that would be called Israel, which means
                   governed by God.
                3. God was seeking first of all a nation that would 
                   follow His commandments, through which He could
                   demonstrate to the world how blessed a nation and
                   people could be if they would only choose to walk in
                   a loving fellowship with God.
        D. God loved the nation of Israel.
                1. He had manifested His love for them in many ways.
                2. He brought them out of the intolerable         of
                3. He gave to them His rules for a happy prosperous life.
                4. He gave them a fertile land with great potential.
                5. He made them strong and delivered them from their
        E. He had chosen this nation for the purpose of bringing the
           Messiah into the world.
                1. Some of the people began to rebel in their hearts
                   against the Lord.
                2. They began to love the god's of the heathen.
                        a. The first two commandments that God had given
                           to them were, "Thou shalt love the Lord your
                           God with all of your heart." and "Thou shalt
                           have no other gods before Me."
                        b. But some of the people had become obsessed
                           with the desire for pleasure, and had begun
                           to worship the god of pleasure who in those
                           days was called Molech.
                        c. Still others became obsessed with sex, and had
                           begun to worship the goddess of sex, who was
                           known as Ashtoreth.
                        d. Still others became obsessed with the desire
                           for power, and they began to worship the god
                3. God knew that to give your life to these other gods
                   meant        , suffering, and moral weakness that
                   would lead to captivity.
                        a. He sent His prophets to warn them.
                        b. They had ample proof through their history of
                           how when they served the Lord, they were
                           blessed, but when they turned from the Lord,
                           they experienced        .
                        c. One of the prophets said to their king, "The
                           Lord is with you if you will be with Him, and
                           if you seek Him, He will be found by you, but
                           if you forsake Him, He will forsake you." The
                           historian recorded concerning that King, "And
                           as long as he served the Lord, God made his
                           ways to prosper."
                4. As a nation they had finally turned away from the ways
                   of the Lord completely and were now in captivity in
                   Babylon. You would think that they would have learned
                   their lesson, but even here, God is speaking to them
                   through the prophet Ezekiel of how He was broken over
                   their whorish heart. They were still resisting the love
                   that God was offering to them, if they would only be
                   faithful in their love to Him.
                5. How would you like it if the one you loved, and had
                   committed yourself to, was always having affairs with
                   someone else?
                6. So was the case with the people that God loved and had
                   committed Himself to. They were in love with other
                   gods. They liked God, but they loved and were truly
                   devoted to the other gods.
                        a. I wonder if that is not also the case with some
                           of you.
                        b. If questioned by a pollster you would be among
                           the 87% in America who say that they consider
                           themselves to be Christians, but what could you
                           show to prove that you truly loved Jesus?
                        c. If we would have followed you this past week
                           24 hours a day, how much time would we have
                           observed your giving yourself in showing your
                           love for Him?
                        d. How would that time compare with say the time
                           you spent in front of the T.V. being
                           entertained, as you worshipped Molech?
                        e. The scripture speaks of a people who feared
                           the Lord, but worshipped other gods.
                        f. Would you say that that was an apt description
                           of you? You respect the Lord, but you are
                           really serving other interests.
        F. Surely as a nation, you could no longer consider us a Christian
           nation as we were once known to be.
                1. Though our coins still bear the inscription, "In God
                   we trust" We are spending our money for all kinds of
                   ungodly purposes.
                2. In our public schools they can have instruction in
                   witchcraft and Satanism, they can observe the satanic
                   holiday of Halloween, have their parties, and dress
                   like goblins and witches. But Christmas carols are
                   outlawed at Christmas time.
                3. I wonder if God is not possibly saying to us, "I am
                   broken with your whorish heart."?

II. Why is God so concerned?
        A. He still loves us more than we could ever know. Paul said that
           the love of God passes human comprehension.
                1. He knows that these other gods are unfaithful lovers.
                2. They will desert you when times get tough.
                3. They will let you down when you are in a crisis.
                4. When facing life or death situations they will forsake
                   you and can be no help or condolence to you.
                5. He knows that these other gods in your life are going 
                   to destroy you, for you are actually worshipping Satan
                   in disguise.
                6. The Bible says that they that worship idols, which were
                   in reality idols that were erected to pleasure, and sex
                   and power, were worshipping demons.
                7. That explains why these other things get such
                   powerful hold on a persons life.
                        a. People get addicted to sex.
                        b. They get addicted to the pleasurable experience
                           of taking drugs.
                        c. People get addicted to pornography.
                        d. We speak of a man as a workaholic. Addicted to
                           gaining more possessions.
                8. They are actually under a demonic hold.
        B. Satan is not interested in respecting your choice, he cares
           nothing about love, but is determined to force you to serve
                1. We thus see him gaining a stronghold of peoples lives.
                2. There are some of you here today whose lives are under
                   the stronghold of Satan.
                3. You find yourself bound by habits that you cannot
                   break, even though you can see their damaging effect,
                   and you have tried and failed.
        C. Only the power of God is stronger that the power of Satan,
           only God can set you free from the power of Satan, but God is
           interested in love, thus your choice, and will not force
           Himself upon you but allows you to make the choice.
                1. Satan is doing everything within his power to keep you
                   from making that choice.
                2. Some of you at this minute are going through a violent
                   battle within as you are again facing this choice.
                3. The prophet cried, "Choose you this day whom you will
                   serve." That is what you must do. Will you serve God or
                   Satan disguised in your own passions.
        D. God's heart is broken for you. He knows that the day will come
           when you will loathe yourself for your folly, is choosing to
           serve God, when you finally begin to reap the consequences of a
           life given over to sin.