Book: Ezekiel
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EZEKIEL 3:17-21
I. GOD'S CALL. vs. 17.
A. Ezekiel called as a watchman to Israel.
1. He had a two-fold responsibility.
a. To hear the word from God.
b. To give that word to the people.
c. God's method has always been to use those who
are in touch with Him, to reach those out of
touch with Him.
d. Through wickedness, people get out of touch
with God.
2. Notice, he was not called to convert them.
a. His only responsibility was to warn them.
b. Sometimes we become discouraged in our
Christian service because we seek to do more
than God requires of us.
1. We speak of winning souls - that is the
work of the Spirit.
2. My work is to warn.
3. My responsibility is fulfilled when I
have witnessed. Now they are
responsible before God for what they do
with that witness.
B. God has called all of us.
1. His call is first to salvation - then to service.
a. Jesus said, "Come unto Me..."
b. No sooner does one come until He says, "Take My
yoke upon you."
2. God leaves us here on this cursed earth for one reason
a. To serve Him.
b. Jobs and all else is incidental.
c. God seeks to use you who are in touch with Him
to reach those who are not in touch with Him.
C. Serving God is not an option for the Christian, it is a
1. God holds me responsible to warn the wicked.
a. God said to Ezekiel - their blood is on your
b. But if you warn them, you have delivered your
2. When I observe some wicked action, I should warn that
person that God is not pleased with what they have
done - and if they do not change, He will destroy them.
a. They may laugh at you or mock you.
b. But I promise you, they won't forget what you
c. You don't have to preach to people.
d. You don't have to argue over other religions.
e. You don't have to defend God, the Bible, your
f. Just simply speak the truth - don't get caught
in the trap of trying to defend the truth.
g. If they sincerely ask honest questions, seek to
answer them.
h. If they seek to argue, just restate the truth
and let it go at that.
1. Your silence will bug them far more
than any eloquent argument or debate.
2. They may defeat your argument - they
can't defeat the truth.