Book: Lamentations
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Intro: Jeremiah is sitting amidst the ruins of a shattered nation. The outlook could not be
any more bleak. The point of crisis - turn in one of two directions - bitter or better.
A. Times of trial are difficult.
1. satan is there to accuse.
a. "If God really loved you, why did this happen?"
b. "You may as well give up if this is what happens."
2. It seems like God is not there.
a. Vs. 8 - "also when I cry and shout He shutteth out my prayer."
b. David cried, "Why art Thou so far from the cries of my roaring?"
B. The place of refuge in the storm.
1. Right thinking - "This I recall to mind."
a. Things are usually blown out of proportion; a mound can look like
Mt. Everest.
2. "Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus."
a. Looked beyond the cross to the glory - "Who for the joy that was
set before Him..."
A. "It is the Lord's mercies that we are not consumed."
1. Things might be bad, but His mercy is still evident by the fact I am still
2. God said, "The soul that sinneth, it shall surely die."
a. God, in justice could have erased me the moment I committed my
first sin. Or at each succeeding sin thereafter.
3. God's mercies evident even in judgment.
a. He is so long-suffering.
1. Do not mistake this for weakness or approval.
2. "He will not always chide - neither will He keep His wrath
b. "We are not consumed."
B. "Thy compassions they fail not."
1. We have given God many reasons to hate us.
a. We have sought to just use Him.
b. We have refused His warnings and orders.
c. We have falsely accused Him.
d. We have ordered Him off.
e. Yet...His compassions they fail not.
2. God loves me. Remember this in trials.
a. Sometimes I hate myself.
3. "They are new every morning."
C. "Great is Thy faithfulness."
1. He is faithful to His Word.
a. "Have I not spoken and shall I not bring it to pass."
b. This desolation was promised.
2. He is faithful in judgment.
a. This stumbles a lot of people today.
1. We are living in strange days - "Woe unto them that call
evil good and good evil."
2. Angela Davis is made a heroin.
3. An officer defending our rights is a pig.
b. How can a God of love destroy one of His creatures?
1. How could He order the Israelites to war - to utterly wipe
out a nation?
2. If you had a room full of small children whom you loved,
and a rabid dog came into the room - You love the children
- you love dogs too. Would you seek to restrain the dog?
1. The dog is going to die from rabies.
2. Any child it bites, will also die.
3. Study history of these nations - they were on a
self-destruct course anyhow. They were about to destroy
others before destroying themselves. As rabid dogs.
3. He is faithful in salvation.
a. He will save all who will come to Him through Christ.
b. What if I want to come some other way?