Book: Jeremiah
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Jeremiah 52:4,5,6 The Hour of Doom
Intro. Jeremiah 52 is sort of an appendix to the book in which a piece
of the recorded history is repeated. It was recorded earlier in
chapter 39, and was probably copied from II Kings 25. It is the
record of the fall of Jerusalem. "It came to pass in the eleventh
year of Zedekiah, the fourth month and the ninth day of the month
the famine was sore in the city so that there was no bread for the
people in the land, and the city was broken up." Thus is recorded
the fall of Jerusalem.
I. The ministry of Jeremiah.
A. It had commenced some 40 years earlier during the reign of
Josiah. There had been a succession of kings until finally
Zedekiah ascended to the throne and he also ignored the warning
of the prophet Jeremiah and he rebelled against Babylon. In the
11th year of his reign in the fourth month, and on the 9th day
of the month the ax fell.
1. Jeremiah had been warning for forty years of the
impending destruction of the city of Jerusalem by the
armies of Babylon unless the people turned to their
2. He had used many devises to get their attention.
a. He had stood at the gate of the temple when he
was just a boy and he cried to the people who
were going into the the temple not to trust in
the ritual of temple worship to save them, they
needed to turn with their whole hearts to God.
b. He wore a beautiful expensive robe through the
city for a time, then burying it under a rock
for a period on time only to retrieve it later
when the bugs had eaten holes in it and the
colors had run together, they wearing it again
as he preached to them of how they were once a
thing of beauty to God but as a result of
their sin, they had become something to be
cast off.
3. During his early years while just a teen, they for the
most part they ignored him because the threat of a
Babylonian invasion seemed so remote. He received some
threats because he was considered a nuisance.
4. In the later years when the Babylonian armies were
approaching the city, he was placed in the dungeon and
imprisoned as being in league with the Babylonians.
There were actual plots to put him to death.
B. The people refused the message of warning from Jeremiah, and
continued in their sin. They had refused the divine call and
dared the divine wrath. And in the eleventh year, on the ninth
day of the fourth day, the city was broken up.
II. We now see the divine vengeance of God.
A. The reason for the divine vengeance was their turning from the
law of God.
1. The law of God is the expression of the highest ideals
for a society.
a. A love and the worship of God would be the
foundation of that society. It would honor
God first.
b. There would be a strong supportive family
environment in which children would be raised.
c. There would be no adultery.
d. There would be a true administration of
2. They left these ideals, they forsook God from the
national life.
a. They began to have an obsession for
pornography and sex.
b. There came a breakdown of the family
c. They began to abort unwanted children.
d. The whole judicial system became a mockery,
and as a result crime was rampant in the
street, as the streets began to be ruled by
B. We notice however the slowness of the divine justice. Jeremiah
had been crying out his alarm for forty years.
1. The reason for the slowness was the divine compassion.
2. God is not willing that any should perish, but that
all should come to repentance.
3. Inevitably however if man will not heed the call of
God the eleventh year, the fourth month, and the ninth
day of the month will come, and God will allow that
once great society to collapse.
4. We are told in II Chronicles that they persisted in
their evil rejecting the messengers of God until
there was no remedy.
III. The story reveals the Divine anger.
A. There are many people today who wish to reject the truth of
the divine anger. The idea upsets them, and they wish to
reject it.
1. Their God is sort of a syrupy honey on milk toast.
2. He is a poor disciplinarian, never punishing evil.
3. They are against the idea of the anger of God.
4. Is there a true basis for their antagonism, against
this concept of God?
5. There are many who seek to reject the Old Testament,
because it seems to speak of the justice, and judgment
of God.
B. There is no revelation of God that does not include the truth
of the Divine anger.
1. God has revealed Himself in nature.
a. Nature tells us that if you break the laws of
nature you will be hurt.
b. If you jump off of a building.
c. If you grab a electrical wire forming a ground
you will be shocked perhaps fatally.
d. There are laws that govern our Universe, and
you must obey these laws or suffer the
e. Obey the laws of nature and you will live,
break them and you will die.
d. Those that discover the laws of nature are
discovering the thoughts of God.
2. If we look for the revelation of God in human history,
we find the same truth revealed.
a. All history testifies to the fact of
vengeance, punishment, judgment falling upon
the nation that has left the high ideals.
Russia being one of the most recent examples.
b. When a nation leaves the high ideals of purity
and morality, it has always been punished.
3. The New Testament revelation of God is not devoid of
the truth of the divine anger.
a. Jesus was the epitome of love and compassion,
yet we see Him angry with the Pharisees and
Scribes. He denounces them with the threat of
eternal punishment.
b. Paul speaks of the wrath of God that is to
revealed from heaven against all ungodliness
and unrighteousness of men that hold the truth
of God in unrighteousness.
c. The book of Revelation devotes 12 chapters to
the detailing the events in the day of wrath
that is to come.
C. All active opposition to the doctrine of Divine anger is
accompanied by degeneration. The people of Jeremiah's day had
denied the idea, and they became very degenerate.
1. This is true of any person, nation, or church.
2. Deny this doctrine, and the next step is degeneration.
D. The fact still remains, even if denied, and punishment comes.
The eleventh year, and the fourth day and the ninth day of the
month will arrive, and the breach will be made.
E. The opposition of the doctrine of Divine anger often expresses
itself in the persecution of the messengers.
1. This happened in the case of Jeremiah.
2. He spoke of the Divine mercy that was available, of
the Divine love, but of the inevitable Divine anger if
that mercy and love were rejected.
F. They tried to solve their problems with intrigues.
1. They sought to make a mutual defense pact with Egypt.
2. They thought that Egypt could save them from the
coming punishment, thereby they could continue in
their sin and not be forced to change their desired
a. Much as they are looking for science to come
up with some cure for the HIV virus so that
they will not have to change from their
aberrant practices.
G. They sought to compromise with God.
1. They were willing to give God everything but the one
thing He was requiring.
2. They rebuilt the Temple, and started Temple worship
3. But they did not repent and turn from their sinful
E. There is one attitude that averts the Divine anger and that is
turning to God in true penitence. The deserting of all the
efforts of intrigue and compromise to get God to accept the
lower standard of life style that you desire.
IV. Accepting the fact of the Divine anger a few facts that we need to
A. Remove from your mind any thought of vindictiveness.
1. God never punishes willingly.
2. He only afflicts when there is no other remedy.
B. He never rejoices over the doom.
1. See Jesus as He weeps over Jerusalem, as He could
foresee the devastation that would befall the city by
the Roman garrison.
2. There you see the heart of the Father when the day
of judgment is inevitable.
C. God's anger is always inspired by love. He is angry when loves
purposes are frustrated, or loves object is harmed.
1. Look at the things that Jesus was angry about.
a. Woe to you Pharisee's "You devour widow's
b. You lay on men heavy burdens that they cannot
2. It is of supreme necessity in the interest of the
saving of a society.
a. Prisons are to protect the free.
b. Hell is the safeguard of heaven.
c. A state that cannot punish crime is doomed.
D. The stroke of judgment is always discriminative.
1. Abraham pleading for Sodom.
E. The judgment of God is always progressive. He destroys that He
might build anew. The destruction is to prepare the way for
the construction.
1. The call of Jeremiah to tear down destroy, to build
and to plant.
F. Paul quotes the psalmist in Romans 3:10 In that same chapter
Paul asks, "Is God unrighteous that visits with wrath? God
forbid, how can God then judge the world?"