Book: Jeremiah
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Intro: The prophet speaks of the impending judgment to come upon neighboring Moab, and the
reason for its destruction.
A. It seems that man instinctively looks for the easy life.
1. "Take it easy." - "Easy does it." -- phrases often heard.
2. I try to avoid trouble like the plague.
3. We often look at trouble as a sign of God's anger or judgment.
B. There is a great danger in ease.
1. It creates a softness.
a. Look how flabby a man gets, who doesn't work.
b. You don't develop strength kicking back on the chaise.
2. To try to shelter a tree from all the breezes is to insure its destruction
in the wind.
a. Exposure to the breezes causes the roots to go deep.
b. To over-protect your child will leave him totally unprepared for
the realities of life.
C. God uses trials and tribulations to strengthen His children.
1. They expose our weakness and drive us to our source of strength.
2. Paul uses a strange paradox, "When I am weak then am I strong."
a. Where I think I am strong and need no help, is where I usually
b. Where I know I am weak and must rely completely upon God for
strength, I always stand.
c. "His strength is perfected in my weakness."
A. We are now introduced to wine-making processes.
1. After the juice is fermented, the thicker the dregs or lees begin to settle
in the bottom.
a. At this point, the top is poured off into another vessel.
b. Again the lees are allowed to settle and the top is poured into
another vessel.
c. By this method the wine is refined - it becomes clear and flavorful.
2. If this process is not followed and it settles in the lees, it will take on
the flavor of the sour lees and will begin to smell sour.
a. This is what the prophet declares has happened to Moab.
b. It has never had any disturbance - it has turned sour.
B. God uses disturbances to refine our lives.
1. We seem to settle into comfortable routines so easily.
a. I've got a good job - nice home, a new car - the kids are back in
b. I now have a little time for me.
1. Next weekend we'll go to Vegas - then the following, to
San Diego.
2. Get our ski gear out.
3. Check out the brochures on a Caribbean cruise...
"The good life... it stinks."
c. God is saying: "Haven't you forgotten someone?"
d. You go into the office Monday morning - note on your desk to see
the boss. "The company doesn't need me anymore. Oh, God, how am I
going to make my house and car payment?"
e. "What's that? I was hoping you would remember Me."
2. Through disturbances He often gets our attention.
a. He so often has something for us which is so much better.
b. We're not looking.
c. What so often for the moment look like calamities, are blessings
in disguise.