Book: Jeremiah
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Intro: Common fallacy - if I am doing right, everything will be going right. If things are
going bad, God is punishing me for some evil.
I. GOD'S PATH IS NOT SMOOTH AND ROSY. "And Jeremiah sunk into the mire."
A. He had been speaking God's true word to the people.
1. Might be interesting to note that the false prophets were preaching
2. Jeremiah said, to resist the Babylonians would mean death by famine,
pestilence or sword.
3. God's true word angered the people. People don't always like to hear God's
4. Their striking out at Jeremiah, was in reality a striking out against God.
B. The world is in rebellion against God.
1. They mock God's truth.
2. They crucified God's Son.
3. He told us that, as His representatives, we could expect tribulation from
the world.
4. The apostles, when beaten, rejoiced for the privilege of suffering for
a. They recognized - the anger was really directed against Him.
5. Jeremiah had been telling them that God's judgment was going to fall for
their sins.
a. The world always despises that message.
b. They try to destroy the truth by attacking the messenger of truth.
c. Tell men today that God is going to cast the sinners into hell and
hear their outcry.
II. SERVING GOD CAN BE DIFFICULT. "And Jeremiah sunk into the mire."
A. You may have had some ridicule for your faith that left you discouraged.
1. Look what Jeremiah faced.
2. They let him down in the dungeon with ropes - no water in bottom,
just mire.
a. Their intention was to let him starve there.
b. All of this because he was true to God's Word.
B. Can you, for a moment, put yourself in Jeremiah's place?
1. You have been speaking God's truth.
2. These men have grabbed you and roughed you up.
3. With curses they are letting you down in the dungeon.
4. It's getting darker and the odor is unbearable.
5. You finally reach the bottom, which is mud, and you start to sink in the
6. This is about as low as you can get.
7. What thoughts would be going through your mind?
a. Concerning God.
1. God has failed me.
2. God doesn't love me.
3. If this is how He treats His faithful servants, I quit!
b. Concerning the evil men.
1. Your day is coming soon.
2. I only wish I could be there to see the Babylonians hack
you to pieces.
A. He was God's true word.
1. He was despised and rejected by the world.
2. The world tried to silence God's word by crucifying Him.
3. What were His thoughts as He was being tortured?
a. Concerning the evil men: "Father forgive them, they know not what
they do."
b. Concerning God: "Father into Thy hands I commend My Spirit."
c. If any of you suffer according to the will of God, commit the
keeping of your souls to Him as a faithful creator.