Book: Jeremiah
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Intro: It is always awesome to contemplate the nature of God. Omnipotence - omnipresence -
eternal omniscience.
A. David recognized this truth.
1. "Though I am poor and needy, yet..."
2. "And thy thoughts unto me, if I should..."
B. He thinks of me constantly.
1. He knows when I sit down and when I stand.
2. Jesus said He "knows the number of the hairs..."
C. There are times in our lives when we are prone to think that God has forgotten us.
1. Jeremiah is writing to the captives in Babylon.
a. Settle down there.
b. Don't listen to false prophets.
c. You're going to be there 70 years.
d. God is thinking of you.
2. God was thinking of them in their captivity.
3. God doesn't think of me just part of the time.
D. It is always comforting to know that someone you love is thinking of you.
1. We oftimes receive these printed notes, "Thinking of you."
a. Somehow it makes you feel good.
A. This all depends on my relationship to Him.
1. Whether I am His child or not.
2. Of some, God thinks - "Thou fool."
B. If I am His child, His thoughts are peace and not evil.
1. They had been disobedient children.
2. They were now being punished.
a. As a child, when I was punished for my wrong doing, I used to get
that "nobody loves me" syndrome.
3. Yet God assures His thoughts for peace, not evil.
C. God is always thinking of the expected end.
1. He has the foresight to see down the path to the end.
a. Sometimes I think He is cruel for blocking my path.
b. He can see the disaster that lies ahead.
2. He always has the end result in view.
a. Man's folly often demonstrated by his failure to consider the end
1. He chooses the immediate euphoria of coke.
2. The relaxation from alcoholic beverage.
3. Soothing of a cigarette.
4. The excitement of an affair.
b. God in His wisdom always thinks of the end.
1. The path may seem straight and narrow - at the end is
eternal glory.
2. I may walk the path of suffering, but at the end is eternal
3. I may deny myself and take up my cross to follow Him now.
The end is a crown of righteousness - His kingdom.