Book: Jeremiah
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Intro: Three things attract our attention: the potter, the wheel, the clay. In Isaiah and
Romans, this same figure used to illustrate God's sovereignty.
A. This is the instrument by which the potter accomplishes his work.
1. We see how he controls its motion.
a. He starts and stops it.
b. He controls the speed.
B. The wheel represents the circumstances of our lives by which God molds us.
1. Nothing happens to me unless God allows it.
2. "All things work together for good..."
3. To complain about my circumstances is to murmur against God.
A. His intense interest in the clay.
1. He never takes his eyes off of it.
2. He shapes it with great skill and concern.
B. His awesome power over the clay.
1. The destiny of the clay is in His hands.
2. He can make of it anything He desires.
a. "Hath not the potter power over the clay...?"
3. You may ask, "Does not the figure break down here? The clay has no will -
I have a will."
a. We have the will to choose within limitations.
b. I can choose to yield my life to God or Satan.
C. You may further object, "You say that God is sovereign and I must become whatever
He wants - that terrifies me."
1. If that terrifies you, it is only because you do not know or understand God.
2. God is love. Infinite - eternal.
a. He desires only the ultimate good for you.
b. He seeks to bring your life to its highest value.
3. The Bible does not teach submission apart from love.
a. Where the wives are told to submit.
b. Husbands told to love.
c. You husbands who complain about an unsubmissive wife - show more
A. Practically worthless and useless in native state because it is so common.
B. Tremendous potential for value.
1. A skilled potter can take a useless lump of clay and make a useful vessel.
2. He can take a worthless lump and make it valuable.
C. As Jeremiah watched, the clay was marred in the hands of the potter.
1. This happens when there is a hard lump, or clay hardens prematurely.
a. It no longer yields to potters touch.
b. It resists and stiffens.
2. How many times our lives have been marred as I resisted God's work.
a. Does potter discard clay?
1. He could, he wouldn't lose much.
2. He begins to work the clay with his hands.
b. Oh! The patience, love and care of God.
D. The potter has in his mind a purpose for the clay.
1. The clay does not know what is in the mind of the potter.
2. It can only discover by yielding to His touch.
E. The price paid for the blood of Jesus, bought a potter's field.