Book: Jeremiah
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Intro: Josiah has been killed at Megiddo. Jehoahas took throne for three months. Was evil -
defeated by Pharaoh, who put Jehoakim, Josiah's son on the throne. Things are going to
get tougher as nation slides to its destruction. Jeremiah's life threatened by men of
I. JEREMIAH QUESTIONS GOD - "Why do the ungodly prosper. Why are wicked people so happy?"
A. These questions have always troubled the righteous.
1. Book of Job.
2. Ps. 73 Asaph.
3. To Job no answer - only a revelation of the wisdom and power of God.
4. Asaph found his answer in the sanctuary of God, and a broadened perspective.
B. The ungodly seemed to be planted in power by God.
1. Typical politicians - they referred to God in their speeches, but knew
nothing of real submission to Him.
C. Yet here was Jeremiah - because he was obedient to God, his life was being
II. GOD'S ANSWER TO JEREMIAH - "If you have run..."
A. Notice difficulty of translation of latter part by italics.
1. Maybe solved by a word found in Septuagint - "If in the land of peace you
were not secure, how will you handle..."
2. Some have suggested peace be translated level. Idea is then - "If you have
tired running on level ground, how will you run through the marshes?"
B. However the translation, God is saying - "you haven't
seen anything yet."
1. Things are going to get worse for Jeremiah.
2. His own brothers will plot his death.
C. In God's answer, there was a recognition of Jeremiah's
previous service.
1. He had run with the footmen.
a. Even though he wearied, he was still in there.
D. In God's answer was the key for the future.
1. How will you run with horses?
a. How did you run with the footmen?
b. God was there and He helped you, and even
though you wearied, He saw you through.
c. The God who helped you run with the footmen will also help you run
with the horses.
d. The God who sustained you in the relative
peaceful reign of Josiah will be with you to
see you through the turbulent reigns to come.
2. God's provision and power for the past is an assurance of His provision for
3. God never puts you into the race with horses until He has trained you with
the runners.
4. The proverb, "God tempers the wind for the shorn lamb" - is not true.
a. God gives the lamb a coat of wool to protect it from the cold wind.
5. God is working in us to prepare us for the future.
6. I never come to a place or experience but that God has not beforehand
prepared me for it.
7. "You are His workmanship..."