Book: Jeremiah
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JEREMIAH 1: 4-19
Intro: The man himself - the dealings of God with this man to make him God's instrument. Not
just for those who are going into the ministry.
Eldad and Medad - "Art thou jealous for my sake? Would that all God's people were prophets."
Jeremiah, a young priest living at Anathoth. Father Hilkiah - high priest - one who discovered
the Book of the Law in Josiah's reign, 5 yrs. prior to Jeremiah's call.
A. A man living in fellowship with God in the midst of a dark age.
1. When God would speak to a nation or an age, He comes to souls prepared to
receive it by acquaintance with the secret place.
2. He must find an instrument.
B. Jeremiah is seen shrinking from the work, yet ready for it.
1. Always shrinking; never shrinking.
2. Always trembling; never trembling.
Always shrinking when talking to God about his work.
Never shrinking when talking to men about his God.
Always trembling while waiting in the Secret Place for the whisper of God's
divine voice.
Never trembling when he thundered forth the secret he had heard.
C. "Then said I, "Ah Lord Jehovah! I behold, I know not how to speak:
for I am a child."
1. Not - "I will not speak."
2. What if God should speak to you in your secret meditations this night?
3. "Ah, Sovereign Lord Jehovah."
a. A cry of willingness in agonized recognition of weakness.
4. Thus we see young priest reared in Godly atmosphere, reverent and knowing
God - knowing the secret of fellowship; called and answering the call to
one of the most difficult, discouraging tasks a man had ever been called.
A. Ordination - "I knew thee, I formed thee, I sanctified thee, I appointed thee."
1. 1st 3 pre-natal ordination.
2. If Jeremiah comprehended this we are not surprised at his fear or boldness.
Responsibility on God.
B. Revelation - vs.6
1. "Say not 'I am a child', for thou shalt go to all that I shall send thee."
The power for going is in His sending.
2. He said, "I cannot speak." God said, "Whatsoever I shall command thee, thou
shalt speak."
3. "I am with thee." Link this to ordination.
4. Then God touched his mouth. vs. 9
C. Illustration - "What seest thou?"
1. I am awake in the matter of my word.
2. I watch over my word.
3. Almond tree covered with blossoms in spring.
D. Exhortation - "Thou therefore..."
We dare not venture in our own strength, but we do dare.