Book: Isaiah![]() ISAIAH 61:1-3 "BEAUTY FOR ASHES" Intro: Scripture a prophesy of Christ. Luke 4:16-21. I. "THE SPIRIT OF THE LORD GOD IS UPON ME." A. The Spirit descended upon Christ after baptism. 1. "And immediately He was led by the Spirit." a. Many have received initial experience but no more. b. Have never taken second step of being led by Spirit. B. "Hath anointed me to preach." 1. What is preaching under-the anointing? a. Individuals reaction to the anointing. b. The message is anointed i.e. The Words that are spoken are inspired. C. The Spirit that anointed Christ has been given to His Body the church. 1. Christ still ministers, only now through the church. a. Acts 1:1 began. II. WHAT SHOULD BE THE CHURCHES MINISTRY? A. "Preach good tidings to the meek." 1. The church has a message. 2. What is the gospel? a. To brokenhearted - God loves you. 1. Rest in what you do know. 2. Many have never entered into that rest. 3. They don't understand those who have (rather irked.. b. To the captives - Liberty through Christ. 1. Drug addict choir - "The power of Jesus can break every chain." 2. To those bound by habits that are destroying their very bodies. 3. To those who are bound (by Satan) The opening of the prison. a. The victory of Christ over Satan. 4. To those who mourn comfort. a. There is one who bears our sorrows. b. There is one who's presence will never leave. c. The effect of the Good News. 1. "To give beauty for ashes." a. How many lives burned out ash heap. b. Town drunk in Ventura. 2. "Joy for mourning"- more than just comfort-turn sorrow into joy. 3. Garment of praise for spirit of heaviness. III. THE EFFECT OF THE GOOD NEWS. A. "Gives beauty for ashes." 1. How many lives burned out ash heap. a. Town drunk in Ventura. B. "Joy for mourning." 1. More than just comfort. 2. Turns the sorrow into joy. C. "Garment of praise for Spirit of heaviness." 1. Ashes - mourning - heaviness lie in the sphere of Satan's work. 2. Beauty, joy, praise. IV. ULTIMATE PURPOSE OF THE GOSPEL. A. That He might be glorified. |