Book: Isaiah
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ISAIAH 54: 17
A. Who is he?
1. One who has submitted His life to the Lordship of Jesus Christ.
a. Many have acknowledged Jesus Christ as Savior who have not
submitted to Him as Lord.
b. It means my chief concern is no longer what I want, but
what He wants.
2. One who is trusting in the righteousness of faith. "His righteousness
is of Me."
a. I can look to two sources for righteousness, faith or works.
1. If I look to works, then I must establish some
standard, some accepted rule of conduct. If I do keep
them at best I have self-righteousness.
2. If to faith then righteousness imputed to me. Paul in
Phil. 3.
3. Works can never substitute for faith, but true faith will produce works.
B. What does it entail for me?
1. Complete obedience to Him.
a. "Why callest thou Me Lord and do not the things I command? "
b. "Not everyone who says Lord, Lord is going to enter the
Kingdom of heaven but he that doeth the will..."
2. Seeking to please Him above all others.
C. What does it entail for Him?
1. The responsibility of providing for my needs.
2. My welfare and protection.
"No weapon that is formed against..."
a. Why should weapons be formed against me?
1. I cannot become a servant of God without becoming an
enemy of Satan.
2. You soon learn that you are in a heavy spiritual battle.
3. Satan is committed to destroying you.