Book: Isaiah
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ISAIAH 41:10
Intro: Fear can be a very debilitating force. Fear of failure has canceled many
worthwhile projects. "The fear of man is a trap."
A. Life is full of frightening situations.
1. Being a Christian does not grant me an immunity from problems.
a. The disciples were confronted by the tax collector when
they had no funds.
b. They were on a sinking ship in a storm.
c. They were with a crowd in the wilderness with
inadequate food supply.
2. In each case, their resources were inadequate.
a. This is the time that fear usually strikes.
1. When I have exhausted my bank account.
2. My schemes.
3. My strength.
b. In each case, Jesus solved the problem.
1. Told Peter to catch a fish.
2. Told the wind to stop.
3. Took 5 leaves and 2 fish.
3. Jesus was the only resource they needed.
B. "For I am with thee."
1. The consciousness of God's presence is the great dispeller of fear.
2. He is always with me, I am not always conscious of that fact.
3. He is always more than I need.
A. We often face confusing issues, and we don't know what to do, where to turn.
1. We may lose our job.
2. Our business may be going under.
3. Your husband or wife may leave you.
4. You get in an accident and you're to blame.
5. You get sued.
6. Your loved one dies.
B. The more we try to figure things out, the more confusing they become.
1. Yet, God has said, "Be not dismayed."
2. If I love Him and seek to follow His purposes.
"All things are working together for good."
3. I must learn to rest in Him.
a. I cannot figure out God's ways.
b. I often try even though He said I couldn't.
C. "Be not dismayed, I am thy God."
1. He doesn't always explain the solution. He just says, "trust Me."
2. He offers for our dismay, Himself.
a. "I will strengthen thee."
1. So you are not strong enough to hang on to Me, I will
hold you.
2. You feel so weak and helpless.
b. "I will help thee."
1. If God be for us, who can be against us."
c. "I will hold you up."
1. Sometimes we feel we are sinking.
2. It's impossible for you to sink.
3. Kay learning to water ski.
4. With the right hand of My righteousness.
a. The heavens are the work of His fingers.
b. He measures them with His span.
c. He puts His hand under me and holds me up.