Book: Isaiah
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ISAIAH 41:10
A. As Christians we will face frightening situations.
1. We are not immune to trouble.
2. The disciples while walking with Jesus faced fearful problems.
a. Facing tax collectors with no money.
b. Crossing the lake in the storm.
c. Being in a wilderness area with a multitude of people
and inadequate food.
d. In each case their human resources were insufficient.
e. Christ was the only resource they needed.
3. Fear strikes when our resources are depleted.
a. Have exhausted my strength.
b. Have exhausted my bank account.
c. I have exhausted my schemes.
4. Christ is the only resource I need.
B. The answer to fear is the realization of His presence.
1. "Ye though I walk through the valley..."
2. "Hast thou not known... " Vs. 28.
A. As Christians we will face confusing situations.
1. We don't always understand our situations.
2. Things will happen for no apparent reason.
a. You may get fired from your job.
b. You may suddenly get sick.
c. You may get in an accident where you are to blame.
d. Your loved one may die.
3. The more we try to reason some of these things out, the more
confused we get.
4. Yet the Lord says, "be not dismayed."
B. Quit trying to figure it out.
1. It isn't necessary to understand God's ways.
2. "All things work together for good..."
a. "Yea, but I dent see what good could come from this."
b. That's none of your business, its His.
3. We find it so hard to rest in faith.
a. We seek to understand why.
b. If you really knew what God was doing, you'd probably panic.
c. God is working by a completely different set of values. Eternal.
4. Yet faith is the only place where you will ever find true rest
C. "I am your God."
1. He doesn't give us the answer, He gives us Him self.
a. "I will strengthen thee."
1. Do you feel your strength slipping, you can't hold on
much longer?
2. Don't be afraid, He is there.
b. "I will help thee."
1. Have your friends let you down just when you were
needing them?
2. Is the load too heavy for you ?
3. Don't be dismayed, He is there.
c. "I will uphold thee."
1. There's absolutely no way you can sink, He's holding
you up.
2. Kay learning to water ski don't panic and flail around
stand up.
3. "With the right hand."
The Universe is the work of His fingers. He measures it with the span of
His hand. And with that same hand He takes hold of you.