Book: Isaiah![]() ISAIAH 40: 28 -31 Intro: In beginning of chapter God commands His servant to comfort His people. I. WHY DO GOD'S PEOPLE NEED COMFORTING? A. Because they are weak. "Ye did start well." 1. Our weakness tends toward weariness. 2. Our task of spreading message of Christ to this area seems so impossible. 3. Our burdens become more than we can bear. "If one more thing happens to me..." B. Because we are ignorant. "Speak for yourself preacher." 1. We can't see beyond our present problem. a. Jacob "All things are against me." b. That situation we think is disaster is the very thing God is using to bring us to Himself. 2. We fail to recognize eternal purposes. a. "Why won't you let me have it Lord?" b. "Why did this have to happen to me?" II. HOW DOES GOD COMFORT HIS PEOPLE? A. He promises a new age is coming. 1. Things are going to be set right. a. Valleys to be exhalted. b. Crooked to be made straight. c. Rough to be made even. 2. The Lord will come and rule over ail. a. His rule will be as a shepherd caring for his flock. B. He reminds them of His greatness. 1. I get upset because the problem is too great for me to solve. Is it to great for God? 2. He measures waters in hollow of His hand. 3. He measures universe with span of His hand. Then He declares that He will take me up in His arms. 4. How does God comfort? C. He reminds them of His wisdom. 1. He not only created the host of stars, but He calls them all by name. 2. "There is no searching of His understanding." D. He promises to give us strength. 1. The promise is for those who are faint & have no might. a. As long as I think I can He'll let me try. b. "His strength is made perfect in our weakness." 2. The promise is for great strength. a. Mount up with wings as eagles. 1. From upward view we get total perspective. 2. We rise above the earthly sphere. b. "Run , and not be weary." c. "Walk and not faint." 3. Promises are conditional. What is conditional? a. "They that wait upon the Lord." |