Book: Isaiah Print ( PC Only ) ISAIAH 9:2,6,7 "WONDERFUL COUNSELOR" Intro: Man's history very dark and bleak. One point is like a shaft of sunlight on a dark day. From the human side a child is born, from the divine side a Son is given. I. "HIS NAME SHALL BE CALLED WONDERFUL." A. His past pre-existent life with the Father. 1. "In the beginning was the Word." 2. And God said, "let us make man in our own image and after our likeness." 3. "Father, glorify Me with the glory that I had with Thee before the foundation of the world." B. His present ministry of intercession. 1. 'Wherefore He is able to save to the..." 2. "Who is He that condemneth?" C. His future reign is Wonderful. 1. "And He shall reign forever and ever King of Kings." 2. "Of the increase of His government and peace there shall be no end." II. "HIS NAME SHALL BE CALLED WONDERFUL COUNCILOR." A. The worlds woes were created by a counselor. 1. Satan counseled Eve to eat the forbidden fruit. B. There is a lot of counsel today that is damning the world. 1. "Blessed is the man who walketh not. " 2. The ungodly will counsel you to forsake God. a. His ways, His truth, His life. b. Advise is plentiful, Wonderful counsel is scarce. C. When you are faced with a vexing problem, how would you like to receive some Wonderful counsel? 1. Counsel that was totally right. a. Some people don't want that kind. b. They go to a counselor only to reinforce their own ideas. c. They become angry and forsake the counselor if He speaks the truth. 2. To Laodician church He said "I counsel thee." a. As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten. D. What has He counseled you to do? 1. "Come unto me." 2. Seek ye first the Kingdom of God." III. HIS NAME SHALL BE CALLED , "THE MIGHTY GOD." A. That child born in the rude stable was none other than the Mighty God, creator. 1. He who sustained all things was for a time sustained upon Mary's breasts. B. Beware of any system of teaching that would seek to diminish or take away from what Jesus is. 1. For it pleased the Father, that in Him should all fullness dwell, God, Deity of Christ, work of Holy Spirit. IV. HIS NAME SHALL BE CALLED THE EVERLASTING FATHER. A. Two Hebrew words translated "everlasting." 1. First one means "vanishing point." 2. This one used in text "beyond vanishing point." B. Here we enter into that glorious triunity of God. 1. Jesus said, "He that hath seen Me hath seen..." 2. And, "I and the Father are one." V. HIS NAME SHALL BE CALLED THE PRINCE OF PEACE. A. Jesus said, "think not that I am come to send peace on the earth, I came not to send peace but a sword." 1. Some imagine a contradiction here not so. a. James 3:17, "The wisdom that is from above is first pure then peaceable." b. The sword is the instrument by which peace is brought. B. In the individual life. 1. Christ first cuts away that which is keeping us from peace. 2. As long as we seek to hold on to some impure thing we can never have peace. a. Purity first then peace results. 3. These going around advocating peace in world today also advocate the things that make peace impossible. IS JESUS ALL THAT HIS NAME IMPLIES TO YOU? |