Book: Isaiah
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ISAIAH 12: 1-6
A. Man's greatest and basic need is salvation.
1. Saved from what?
a. Power of sin.
b. Consequence of sin.
2. Saved for what?
a. A new life of fellowship with Him.
b. This fellowship grows brighter day by day.
1. This fellowship is unending.
B. "Salvation is of the Lord."
1. The other alternative (salvation is of me..
a. My works "Filthy rags"
b. My goodness ("golden rule") "except your righteousness..."
c. My church.
2. "Looking unto Jesus, the author and perfector of our faith."
a. He has even given me the faith to believe.
b. "Jesus paid it ail."
3. Ginger bread boy - "now you are really mine."
C. "With joy draw water out of the well of salvation."
1. Because God is my salvation - JOY!
2. Jesus spoke to woman of Samaria.
D. The results of realization.
1. Shall ye say "Praise the Lord."
a. Talking to a minister, he was telling me of success of his
church - I said, "Praise the Lord." Look of amazement.
1. Many praise the program.
2. Many praise the denomination.
3. Praise the pastor.
"To God be the glory."
2. "Call upon His name."
a. Wherefore God has highly exalted Him and given. Him a name
b. The name Jehovah Shua. Results of realization.
3. "Declare His doings among the people."
a. The things people waste their time talking about.
1. The last trip to Vegas.
2. Some new novel they read.
b. The daily manifestations of the goodness of God so great, so
far above and beyond.
c. "Make mention His name is exalted."
A. "NOT" shall give me strength."
1. Man at his ultimate is very weak.
Vs. 6 B. "Cry out and shout! " "Great is the Holy One of Israel in the midst of thee.
1. Jesus said "Where two or three."
Vs. 5. A. "Sing unto the Lord."
1. For He has done excellent things.
2. "Why should I sing of lesser things."