Book: Isaiah
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A. What is meant by salvation?
1. The nature of sin is to bind.
a. It brings you into .
b. You may hate yourself for doing it and hate what you are doing.
c. God sets us free.
Use drugs as an example because of its obvious effects.
2. The nature! of sin is destructive.
a. "Lest sin shall be your ruin."
b. God has saved me from its consequences.
B. Many today seek their own salvation.
1. They seek to reform their lives.
a. They try positive thinking.
b. They try possibility thinking.
2. Others seek to balance their evil by doing good. Hoping the good of
their life will outweigh the evil. Still others seek to be religious
hoping that religion will save them.
3. I need power greater than my own.
4. I need power beyond myself.
5. How thankful I am that God is my salvation.
C. How has God become my salvation?
1. By sending His Son to the earth.
2. He took my sins upon Himself.
a. Accepted the blame and quilt.
b. Died in my place.
3. He gave me then a new dimension of life.
a. His Life!
b. Sin can no longer reign over me!
D. Jah Jehovah is my strength.
1. He has imparted His strength to me.
a. I needed it.
b. I wanted it.
c. I'll take it.
2. I should no longer consider my problems by my ability to cope.
a. No longer a matter of my ability, His ability.
3. Imagine the strength of Jehovah.
a. Either physically or morally He is omnipotent.
b. Note: He did not say He would give you strength. He IS your
c. Rise out of your slough of despair and conquer, for He is
your strength.
E. He becomes my song.
1. As I experience the power and joy of His salvation, my heart sings.
2. He is the inspiration of my song
3. He is the theme of my song.
A. Jesus talked to the woman by the well of Jacob in Samaria about another water.
1. It becomes a well of living water within.
2. My Life becomes as an Artisan well just overflowing all the time.
B. Oh what joy to partake from His well of salvation. Overflowing joy.
C. "In that day shall ye say, "Praise the Lord."
1. What else?
2. Who else is there to praise?
D. We are finally commanded for.
1. "Call upon His name."
2. "Declare His doings among the people."
3. "Make mention His name is exhalted."
4. "Sing unto Jehovah."
5. "Cry out and shout."