Book: Ecclesiastes![]() ECCLESIASTES 3: 15 "GOD REQURETH THAT WHICH IS PAST" I. WHAT DOES THIS MEAN? A. You can be convicted of your sin and decide to reform. 1. Go to church. 2. Pay your tithes. 3. Never sin again as long as you live. B. When you die you'll go to hell. Why? 1. God required that which is past. II. WHAT CAN BLOT THE PAST OUT? A. "Ye must be born again." 1. "If any man is in Christ... new creature." a. Old things passed away! B. When you come to Christ confessing your sins, the past is blotted out and forgotten. III. WHAT ABOUT THE FUTURE? A. God wants to transform not reform you. 1. When he transforms. a. Worldly habits and practices drop off. B. Even though your past be black as pitch, if ye be born again your eternal home shall be in heaven. |