Book: Ecclesiastes![]() ECCLESIASTES 1: 14 "LIFE UNDER THE SUN" This is life on the material plane. I. LIFE UNDER THE SUN. A. Observations made: 1. Labor is vain profit in it vs. 1:2. a. You labor all your life, sacrifice and deny yourself to a mass a fortune then you die and leave your goods to you know not what. 2. Life becomes a monotonous grind 1:9. 3. Life filled with oppressions and tears 4:1. a. No real comforter. 4. No certain future 6:12. B. Results of life under the Sun. 1. Emptiness 1:14. a. Try as you may there is no filling of that inner void. 1. 2:1 gave self to pleasure. 2. 2:3 turned to drink. 3. 2:4 building monuments. 4. Amassed wealth 7-9. 5. Indulged self vs. 10. 6. Gave self to wisdom vs. 12. 7. Sought answer in sex. 2. Hating life vs. 2:17. a. This may not be your experience yet. 1. You still feel that when you achieve you goals you are going to be happy. b. Note the hardness and callousness of the ages sinners. C. Conclusionof life under the sun. 1. Man is a beast 3:18. a. Live like a hog and die like a dog. b. Man is doing his best to link himself to the animal kingdom. 2. Fatalism 9:11 Time and chance. a. No plan or purpose for life. Is there no answer for man under the sun? The pattern of living and dying is that all? Is there not somewhere a ran of light? |