Book: Proverbs
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Intro:  In Proverbs 1:7, Hebrew word translated beginning different from
        word translated beginning in text. 1:7 first in priority, the most
        important. Here it is first in order. The first step. You can have
        other knowledge and not fear Lord. You do not have wisdom unless
        you fear the Lord.

        A. It gives the proper or highest application to knowledge.
                1. You may have much knowledge and little wisdom.
                        a. That is why smart people often do dumb things.
                2. Much wisdom and little knowledge to be preferred over
                   much knowledge and little wisdom.
                3. I may know I am weak, and I may know that God can help
                   me, yet never seek the help of God.
                4. Many who are lost know that God can save them.
        B. Wisdom is the key to true happiness (3:13..
                1. Some of the smartest people I know are the most unhappy
                   people I know.
                        a. A sign that read, "If you are not in a panic,
                           you don't know what's happening."
                        b. It is possible to know too much.
                        c. Outside the Christian body, the happiest and
                           most contented people are idiots.
        C. The value of wisdom is incomparable (3:15 and 8:11..
        D. David's advise to his son Solomon (4: 5-9..

        A. The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. This is where
           it starts. 
                1. What is meant, "The fear of the Lord."  How am I to fear
                        a. Man today is beset by many fears.
                                1. Long listing of phobias.
                                2. Phobo-phobia.
                        b. You picture a child quivering in the corner as
                           the bully approach, is this the kind of fear?
                                1. This is the kind of fear cast out by
                                   perfect love.
                        c. The fear of the Lord has been defined as
                           reverential awe.
                                1. Recently invited to white house to visit
                                   with president.
                                2. Think of standing in presence of God.
                                        a. The respect for His greatness,
                                           His authority and power.
                2. "The fear of the Lord is to hate evil." (8:13.
                        a. Pride, the feeling of superiority over others,
                           is one of the dumbest things I can possess.
                        b. Arrogancy, another foolish trait.
                        c. The forward mouth.
                3. How can I receive the fear of the Lord.
                        a. It is a matter of choice (1:29..
                        b. By seeking to know God. (2:3-5..
                                1. You cannot know Him and not stand in awe
                                   of Him.