Book: Proverbs
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So many times we desire some type of gift to peer into the future so as to
prepare for those things that are going to happen. We desire guidance to
make the right choice. Think of the promise.
A. The one who knows the end since the beginning.
1. Knows every situation you are going to face.
2. Every pitfall ahead.
B. What confidence this inspires.
1. I know it is the right path.
a. It may not be the easiest path.
b. It will lead to the desired goals.
C. Our need of direction today.
1. World situation so confusing people have lost sense of
a. Like being out on the ocean without compass on
cloudy night.
b. We see people make many starts.
1. Get involved in different goals.
2. Go hard in that direction for awhile then
ultimate awakes to fact it has lead to no
where. Still lost.
c. Looking down upon all this frantic confusion we
see one who sails along on direct course, happy
and confident.
1. The amazing thing is, his hand isn't even
on the rudder. "He shall direct."
A. "Trust in the Lord with all thine heart."
1. The desire to take things into our own hands becomes
strong at times.
a. I see Him steering into a storm and I desire to
grab the rudder to steer around.
b. So often when we then arrive at the storm, I
discover it is calm; the storm has moved on right
where I wanted to steer.
2. I must conclude from the study of the scripture that to
trust and believe with your heart is greater than to
trust or believe with your head.
a. "My Son give me thine heart, for out of it are
the issues of life."
b. We need more than to just change our minds that
can be done over and over too easily.
B. "Lean not to thy own understanding."
1. "I can't understand why God allowed this to happen to
2. People trying to understand God's ways.
3. I'm glad God only called me to believe if He called me
to understand I would have been lost long ago.
4. Our understanding so limited... based on limited
knowledge which is sometimes faulty.
C. "In all thy ways acknowledge Him."
1. Notice..."All."
a. I want to turn some areas over to His control.
b. I want Him to guide in some things.
2. Acknowledge Him.
a. Ok, Lord what shall I do now?
b. I acknowledge Jesus Christ as my Lord.
1. I am His servant, guide me, keep me.
c. Turn everything over to Him during the day as
situations arise.
1. Learn to look to Him for guidance.
"He shall direct thy path."