Book: Psalms Print ( PC Only ) PSALM 138:8 "THE WORK OF THE LORD Intro: This scripture not for everyone, the "me" was David so it is for those like David. Are you concerned about your soul? The things of the Spirit? This is for those who have experienced God's mercy. This is for those who have placed their lives in God's hands. I. "THE LORD WILL PERFECT THAT WHICH CONCERNETH ME." A. The "Lord." 1. When there is a work to be done, my first concern is the quality & capacity of the workers. 2. What a comfort, when I think of my salvation to realize it is God's work. a. I dare not try to add one stitch to my robe of righteousness. B. "Will perfect" Complete or bring to maturity. 1. He who has begun a good work in you, shall continue to perform it. 2. "The author & the finisher of our faith." 3. We never arrive at a stage when God says right, take it from here, its your now. 4. Commit your future to the hand of God. a. Trust & rest in Him. b. "He is able." 5. "Will" perfect... not might or may. C. "That" which concerneth me. 1. What are your chief concerns. a. Some more concerned with time than eternity. b. Some more concerned with perishing body than eternal soul. c. Some more concerned with earthly dwelling place than heavenly home. 2. Are you concerned about your Christian walk? a. Your witness for Christ? 3. Are you concerned about your salvation? II. "THY MERCY O LORD ENDURETH FOREVER." A. The basis of my confidence the mercy of God. B. I am certain of my salvation. 1. Because I'm such a neat guy? never. 2. Because of God's mercy. C. What was it that caused God to choose me? 1. His mercy. a. He had mercy on me when I was His enemy. b. Shall He cease now that I am His friend? c. He had mercy on me when I was wrapped up in sin, and did not care for righteousness. d. Shall He cease now, when I am concerned about righteousness though I fail? D. God's mercy towards me will not change. 1. It endureth forever Ill. "FORSAKE NOT THE WORKS OF THlNE OWN HANDS." A. Prayer is the result of the believers confidence. 1. Confidence must not lead to idleness but to diligent activity. B. Through prayer I make possible for God to do the things He desires to do in my life. 1. There is an area of free moral agency that God does not violate. a. He does not come into my life uninvited. b. He does not work in my life uninvited. 2. Sometimes when He reveals some dirty area of my life He wants to clean up. a. Now hold on, Lord, I'm not so sure I'm ready for that. b. He'll back off and wait C. Salvation is God's work in me. Righteousness is God's work in me. Eternal life if God's work in me. My life becomes the expression of God. "Ye are His poema." |