Book: Psalms Print ( PC Only ) PSALMS 119:9-16 "THE WORD OF GOD" Intro: God has spoken to man! He has revealed himself to us so we might know His love, and His plan for our lies. He has given to us the rules for a rich, full, joyful life. How important it is to know and give heed to God's Word. I. "WHEREWITHAL SHALL A YOUNG MAN CLEANSE HIS WAY?" A. The psychologists tell us that most of our emotional disorders stem from a guilt complex. 1. Our guilt creates a sub-conscious desire for punishment. a. We begin some neurotic behavior pattern that is subconsciously designed to bring disapproval or punishment. 2. We need to be cleansed from our sins. a. Consciously we may laugh at them. b. Sub-consciously they are ripping us up. c. You may attempt to repress your feelings of guilt, they will out. d. Cleansing is one of our greatest emotional needs. e. I desire to feel clean, washed, pure. B. How can a man be clean? 1. How can you make something that is isn't? 2. We look at the feeble attempts of man outside of Christ.. a. The philosophers have sought to rid sin through relativity. 1. It's all relative to the moves. 2. You can always find some sub-culture where your actions are acceptable practice. b. The psychologist will take a page from the philosopher and tell you that you are not really bad, you have set impractical standards, you can't live by the puritan ethic. 1. Try as you may, you can't talk guilt away. C. We see others performing penance. 1. They inflict pain upon themselves. 2. They deprive themselves. 3. You may try to crawl on your knees from here to N.Y. fasting all the way. You won't get far, either towards N.Y. or removing your guilt. 3. "By taking heed to the Word" Jesus said; "Now ye are clean through the Word . . ." a. God's Word acknowledges our sin. 1. "All we like sheep . . ." 2. "For all have sinned" if we say . . ." b. His word assures us that "if we confess our sins, He is . . . ." 4. It's so beautiful God gives me a clean page and lets me start all over. a. However before I get very far I blotch the new page. b. How can I get to the place where I don't need several new pages each day? II. 'THY WORD HAVE I HID IN MY HEART, THAT I MIGHT NOT SIN AGAINST THEE." A. Giving heed to God's Word will bring you cleansing. B. Hiding it in your heart will keep you clean. 1. The word becomes the power in our life to keep us from sin. 2. Some have prayed and agonized for years over a particular sin in their life. a. Can a child of God be set free? b. Is there deliverance? YES! It's not by casting out the darkness. It's putting in the light! |