Book: Psalms
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Intro: Well here it is almost Thanksgiving time again, crime and violence fill our
       streets, more mass murders, fighting continues in South Viet Nam, and government
       is in a mess, taxes are going up and we're facing an energy crisis, so what's
       there to be thankful for?

        A. All that was within him to bless His name.
                1. David's circumstances were not always ideal.
                        a. Chased by Saul.
                        b. His own son rebelled and drove him out.
                2. Our circumstances are not always ideal.
                        a. In looking around we can always find something to gripe about.
                        b. We can also find something to be thankful for.
                        c. So some looking to gripe others looking for blessings.

        A. How quickly we forget our blessings.
                1. Overcome by sorrow or circumstances we forget God rules.
        B. "Who forgiveth all thine iniquities."
                1. We often let the weight of our past drag us down. Some past action
                   plagues our mind.
                        a. Satan lays his trip on us.
                                1. How could you.
                                2. That's unforgivable.
                2. "There is therefore now no condemnation."
        C. Who healeth all thy diseases.
                1. We let our afflictions get us down.
                2. We need to be praising Him for His healing power and promises of health
                   and strength.
        D. "Who redeemeth thy life from destruction."
                1. He saved me.
                2. I was headed for destruction, He stopped me.
        E. "Who crowneth thee with lovingkindness and tender mercies."
                1. The other benefits are sort of negative.
                        a. I sinned, He forgave.
                        b. I was sick, He healed.
                        c. I was lost, He saved.
                2. This is the positive goodness of God.
                        a. We are more than just saved.
                        b. He heaps His love and kindness on us till sometimes we cry mercy.
        F. "Who satisfies thy mouth with good things."

        A. "He has not dealt with us according to our sin . . ."
                1. Not justice, mercy.
                2. Justice is getting what you deserve. Mercy is not getting what you
                   deserve. Grace is getting what you don't deserve.
        B. The extend of His mercy. "For as the heaven . . ."
                1. The astronomers keep expanding their concept of the size of the
                   universe. Sometimes I think they think they are putting God farther
                   away, but they are just extending His mercy.
        C. The results of mercy "as far as the east . . ."
                1. Why not north and south?
        D. The reason for His mercy, "for He knows our frame that we are but dust."
        E. The limits of His mercy, "from everlasting to everlasting."
        F. The recipients of His mercy.
                1. Those that fear or reverence Him.
                2. Those that keep His covenants and remember His commandments to do them.
                   And this is His commandment, that we believe on the name of His Son,
                   Jesus Christ.