Book: Psalms
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Intro: One day this past summer I had breakfast in New York, ate lunch at home and
       dinner in Hawaii. Flying over the U.S. on a clear day, aware of impact of man
       upon this planet. Saw cities, smoke from factories, glen Canyon and Hoover Dams.
       The earth has developed to what it is because of man, not cats.

        "O LORD OUR LORD"
        A. LORD all caps indicates the name of our God. Heb. Yaweh or Jehovah. "I AM" 
           or "the Becoming One."
                1. The name expresses His desired relationship to you. To become to you
                   whatever you my need.
                2. Jehovah-Jireh; Jehovah-Rapha; Shalom.
        B. Lord is title "adonai" master.
                1. This expresses our proper relationship to Him.
                2. To properly understand man, must see him in this perspective.
                        a. If I start with man I will exalt man.
                        b. When I start with God, man shrinks to proper place in
                           creation. I worship creator.
        C. "You have set your glory above the heavens."
                1. David spent many nights sleeping under the stars.
                2. "The heavens declare the glory of God."
                3. "When I consider the heavens.
                4. Man glories in his accomplishment of flying to the moon and dreams of
                   visiting planets beyond.
                5. When I consider the heavens, what is man?

        A. That God is mindful of Him.
                1. Never think of God as detached from His creation.
                        a. Are not two sparrows sold for a farthing, 1/2 cent.
                        b. Not one of them falls without your Father's awareness.
                2. God thinks about me!
        B. God visited him.
                1. "In the beginning was the Word... and the Word was made flesh..."
                2. "Great is the mystery of Godliness, He was manifested in the flesh."
        C. "For thou hast made him."
                1. For years some of the brainiest men have been trying to convince us that
                   we the product of a series of fortunate occurrences of accidental
                   circumstances, on an earth that was randomly formed by a big bang.
                2. You are here by accident and will probably leave by accident.
                3. They tell you that God was created by man in his own image, rather than
                   the reverse.
                4. Man is thus reduced to an illogical entity without a rational base.
                        a. That is dehumanizing and humiliating.
                        b. I am no more than an accident living on a puddle in the middle
                           of a muddle.
        D. "Made Him a little lower than the angels."
                1. Here we see man in his true order.
                        a. God, angels, man, animals, plants.
                        b. A little lower than the angels far superior to little higher that
                           the ape.
                        c. So an ape can be taught to do tricks.
                                1. That's a long way from designing a circuit or operating
                                   on the cornea of the eye.
        E. "Crowned him with glory and honor."
                1. We see that God has made us the highest order of observable creatures on
                   the earth.
                2. He has endowed us with inventive genius so we have created hydrogen
                   bombs and placed them on ICBMs and can annihilate an enemy anywhere
                   in the world.
                3. We now seek to create weapons more sophisticated and selective, just
                   kill men, not destroy their buildings.
                4. Somewhere man has fallen from the image of God.