Book: Job
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JOB 23:3
Intro: Eliphaz has just spoken for the third time, advised Job "Acquaint
now thyself with God and be at peace." J0b replies, "Oh that I
knew where I might find Him."
A. As do all except fools. "The fool hath said . . ."
"Professing to be wise . . ."
B. Job desired God, supremely.
1. Spiritual vacuum, spirit's need.
C. How to find God? This is the problem.
1. Vs. 8, 9.
2. This is the consciousness of men who seek God on the
human level.
a. Their search as Job's may result from pressure.
b. The quest of the intellect to understand the
mystery of the universe.
c. We cannot make satisfactory contact with God
with earth- bound efforts. "I worship God in
1. "Heavens declare glory."
2. Final truth not discovered in nature.
3. "Worship and serve creature more
than . . ."
D. Job's cry "Oh that I knew . . ." declares necessity of a
special revelation of God.
Gather with me into an upper room-men like ourselves they are
human, but they desire the spiritual life of God.
A. Our attention centered on one in the middle of the group. He
looks like them but . . . in Him the eternal has become
1. Obvious that they respect him highly.
2. He has been speaking strange things lately. They
don't quite understand Him.
a. Talking about being put to death and rising.
b. Now He has stated "Let not your hearts be
B. Now we see the anxious concern of another man a quiet man
with a Greek name, "And Philip saith unto Him, Lord show
us..." "Oh that I knew where I might find Him."
C. Jesus answered "He that hath seen me hath seen the Father."
1. Which of you could say that? And not sound totally
2. "I am a child of God by creation, He is the Father
of us all." Ye are of your..."
3. You only become a child of God by new birth.
D. How did Philip see Jesus? One of first disciples.
1. John 1:43-He called Philip "Come, follow Me."
2. John 6 -The hungry multitudes--Jesus said He saw
Him break the loaves and fish and feed the multitude.
3. John 12-Certain Greeks came to Philip.
"Now is the hour come when the son of man is to
be glorified." A corn of wheat except it fall
into the ground and die. He saw Jesus facing this
great sorrow by looking beyond to the victory.
4. Now in upper room Jesus had taken a towel, washed His
disciples feet.
5. He that hath seen me hath seen the Father.
a. Seeking and calling men.
b. Feeding the multitudes satisfying their needs.
c. Looking ahead through sorrow to ultimate
d. Serving His disciples. Temple eyes flashing,
crying over Jerusalem.