Book: Job
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JOB 11:7, 8, 9
Intro: In the previous chapter Job cries out to God concerning his
confusion. He could not understand God's ways. Zophar responds.
A. Man is conscious that God is.
B. And so he searches for "what" God is.
1. Some seek to make God after their own image.
a. Your mind is God.
b. You are God.
2. Some envision God as being very abstract.
a. He is an essence.
b. He is energy.
3. Many speak with great authority and convictions.
a. Yet there is such great diversity in what
they are saying they can't all be right.
b. Listening to the myriad of concepts one is
brought with Job to confusion.
c. "So many religions I don't know which one
to believe."
C. God cannot be discovered by purely intellectual quest.
1. I know that statement offends some of you who have
crowned your intellect King.
a. Yet if He were only to be apprehended
through intellectual genius, look at how many
would be eliminated.
b. A child often has a purer apprehension of God
than the adult.
2. God is far too vast as to be confined within the
narrow orb of our intellect.
D. The net result of man's search for God is a confused maze.
1. The answer to Zophar's question is no.
a. You cannot start from this level and reach
God if man is to know God in truth.
A. God has revealed Himself in His Word.
1. The Bible purports to be a revelation of God to man.
2. If you are truly searching for the truth you can't
brush aside this claim lightly.
a. You owe it to yourself to fully, personally
examine it before disclaiming it.
B. How has God revealed Himself?
1. As to power: the creator of the Universe.
"stretched forth the heavens as a curtain." " He is
going to close them as a curtain some day."
2. as to Wisdom: All knowledge & wisdom He created
all -life forms and designed...
3. As to His Character: loving, kind, patient.
4. As to His Justice: Absolute.
C. How did God reveal Himself?
1. Holy men wrote as inspired by Holy Spirit -
2. "God who at sundry times in diverse manners spoke by
the prophets."
a. They did not understand many of the things
they wrote about.
3. So in these later days He has "spoken to us by His
own dear Son."
a. He was in the world & the world was made by
b. What did He tell us of the Father?
1. "For God so loved the world."
2. "God is a Spirit they that worship
Him must worship Him in spirit..."
Here is the key. God reveals Himself not to my body or mind but to
my spirit. "The Spirit bears witness to our spirit.
My spirit must first be made alive; it is buried under all the
garbage of my body and mind.