Book: Job
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JOB 9:2, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 23, 33
A. Stripped to bare individuality.
1. First possessions; oxen, Sabeens; sheep & servants by
fire; camels by Chaldeans.
2. Next children.
3. Companion in faith - wife.
4. His friends.
a. I admire his friends; Eliphaz, Bildad, Zephar
and Elihad.
5. The very sense of the greatness of his own personality.
a. In the beginning of the calamity "Naked came I
b. Now he curses day of his birth.
6. Sense of God's justice.
B. Background of text.
1. Bildad argued that God is lust.
a. Job began his reply by agreeing,
"Of a truth I know this is so but,"
b. Job responds with a question, "how should a man
be lust with God?"
c. Word of law court - how can a man argue his
case before God so as to justify himself?
A. One who could stand between.
B. The need of a daysman came out of a double conscience.
1. The greatness of God vs. 5-11.
2. The nothingness of man.
3. David faced same double conscience "When I consider the
heavens" "What is man, that God is mindful of him?"
David - How can so great a being deal with man?
Job - How can so small a being deal with God?
4. Man needs a daysman - arbiter - go - between.
a. One who could stand between us and touch us
C. This cry of Job, an elemental cry of nature, and expresses an
abiding need.
1. Man cannot know life in the full sense of the word
apart from conscious dealings with God.
a. God deals with man.
b. Belshazzar "The very God in whose hand thy
breath is."
c. Paul "In Him we live, we move, we have."
Ill. THE ANSWER TO JOB'S CRY. "There is one God, and one mediator between
God and man, the man Christ Jesus."
A. Job cried "There is no daysman."
N .T. answers "There is a mediator."
1. One who can lay His hand upon God for He is one with
God yet.
2. One who can lay His hand upon me for "The Word became
flesh, and dwelt among us." He knows humanity not only
by omniscience, but also by experience. "The man Christ
B. N .T. continues "Who gave Himself as a ransom for our sins."
1. Here in is a revelation of that which separates man
from God.
a. Isa. "God's arm not short."
2. Christ by His death removed our sin, and has thus made
access for us to come to God.
3. Do not seek to approach God through your intellect.
"Who by searching, can find out God?"
4. Submit yourself to Christ, ask Him to come into your