Book: Job Print ( PC Only ) JOB 42:5 "THE DISCOVERY OF GOD" Did God goof? Man is incomplete - basic emptiness. I. THE CONSCIOUSNESS OF GOD IS NOT ENOUGH "I HAVE HEARD-OF THEE BY THE HEARING OF THE EAR." A. All men but the fool are conscious of God's existence Universal awareness. 1. He has left His mark in nature. 2. "The heaven's declare His glory." B. The consciousness of God does not satisfy man's deepest needs. 1. "O that I know where I might find Him." 2. Life can still be incomplete, empty, frustrating, though I believe in God. C. Job's problem was never one of unbelief', very often this is true problem "I don't understand God." II. MAN NEEDS MORE THAN JUST NATURE'S TESTIMONY. A. I might believe in God, but I cannot know God; false conclusions might be drawn from nature. 1. I see a lion leap upon a deer.. .God is cruel. 2. I see a deformed child.. God is unfair. 3. I see a hurricane or flood.. .God is a destroyer. B. Man cannot know God apart from special revelation. 1. To (know of. and to (know) different. 2. Jesus said to Pharisees "Ye know Him not." C. God has given to man a special revelation of Himself, in Jesus Christ. 1. "No man hath seen God at anytime; the only begotten Son that is in the bosom of the Father, He hath declared Him." 2. "He that hath seen Me, hath seen the Father." 3. "If ye had known Me ye would have known My Father also." 8:19 Ill. TO BE COMPLETE WE MUST BECOME ONE WITH GOD. "But now mine eye seeth Thee." A. God gave to Job, a special revelation of Himself. 1. He spoke to Job out of the whirlwind. B. God has given a special revelation of Himself to you. 1. He has spoken through His Son. 2. Some of you have never read four gospels. 3. You have heard of God, you believe in God, but do you know God? 4. Have you been born-again by the Spirit of God into this new life and relationship? Have you truly discovered God? You can. I. asked the Lord to comfort me when things weren't going my way He said to me I will comfort you and lift your cares away. I. asked the Lord to walk with me when darkness was all that I knew He said to me never be afraid, for I will see you through. I. didn't ask for riches, He gave me wealth untold; The moon , the stars, the Sun, the sky and gave me eyes to behold. I. thank the Lord for everything and count my blessings each day He came to me when I needed Him, I only had to pray and He'll come to you if you ask Him to, He's only a prayer away. |