Book: Job![]() JOB 40:3,4 "WHAT ARE YOU WORTH?" I. BEHOLD l AM OF SMALL ACCOUNT. A. God has challenged Job with the vastness of the universe in which He dwells. 1. Can Job run the universe? 2. Who then is Job to contend with God? B. Becoming conscious of God we are becoming aware of self. 1. Some people have a rather high self esteem. a. They go around in their pride and arrogance crushing others. b. They seem to have control of every situation. c. God allows them to get in a situation over which they have no control. 1. Their riches have bought them everything but now their child is dying. 2. Their yacht has struck a reef in a storm. 3. In the overwhelming situations we realize facing death or vastness of nature how small we are. a. It seems in the cultures where they live closer to nature less esteem placed on life. b. "Behold, I am of small account." II. WHAT SHALL A MAN GIVE IN EXCHANGE FOR HIS SOUL? (Matt. 16:26. A. Christ spoke of God's esteem of a life. 1. We look at some sin ravaged life and declare worthless bum. 2. "What shall it profit a man if he gain the..." 3. Life is more valuable than all the inanimate objects in the world. B. If a man loses his soul how can he buy it back? 1. What can you give in exchange? 2. How can man redeem himself? C. We see people attempting to redeem themselves. 1. Some by good works. 2. Some by becoming religious. 3. Some by promises. D. Man really has nothing to exchange for his soul "Behold I am of small account" bankrupt. Ill. FOR GOD SO LOVED THE WORLD HE GAVE HIS ONLY BEGOTTEN SON . . . IN EXCHANGE (John 3:16. A. Isa. 53:6 "All we like sheep..." B. II Cor. 5:21 "For He hath made Him to be sin.." C. Jesus Christ became what we are, that we might become what He is D. Facing facts: 1. Outside of Jesus Christ your soul is lost. a. Because of sin. 2. You are in no position to redeem it. a. "Behold I am of small account." 3. God's love so great for you He sent His Son to redeem you. 4. You can accept His redemption or reject it. 5. If you accept it you then belong to Him for He bought you. 6. If you reject Him you belong to Satan the chief of the rebels against God. |