Book: Job
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JOB 23.3
JOHN 14:9
Intro: Eliphaz has made his final speech shorter and blunt. Describes kind
of sins that might produce this calamity. Attributes them to Job.
Advises "acquaint now thyself with God and be at peace."
A. This was the cry of a man with underlying convictions about
1. He was conscious of the fact and presence of God.
2. He was convinced of the justice of God.
3. He knew God was working.
4. He felt if he could just find God all would be well.
a. "He would put strength in me."
b. "He would grant understanding."
B. Job tells of his quest for God. vs 8-9.
1. On earthly level he searched in every direction.
C. This is the abiding consciousness for those who seek God on
the earthly plane.
1. Their search may be the result of tribulation or
sorrow or pressure.
2. It may be an intellectual quest for riddle of the
3. Man cannot make contact with God by any action that
is earth-bound.
a. Those who tell us they find God in nature,
thus no need to gather for worship.
1. They see evidences of God in nature.
2. Cannot be found in such a way as to
satisfy deepest needs of life.
D. This cry "Oh" is a revelation of the necessity of some
special revelation of God to man.
1. Zophar earlier spake of difficulty of purely
intellectual quest "Canst thou by searching find out
2. Convinced by the universe of His power Convinced
by nature of His wisdom & beauty. "Oh that I knew
where I might find Him"
3. The fundamental need of each life.
4. Have you not cried this in hour of trial?
"He that hath seen me hath seen the Father."
A. Centuries had run their course, a group of men like us on the
human level gathered in an upper room. One in the midst of them
similar yet different for in Him all that is eternal came into
visibility. Philip one of the purely human asked a similar
question to Job's, "Lord show us the Father and it sufficeth
us." "He that hath seen me hath seen the Father."
B. How did Philip see Christ?
1. One of the first of the disciples "Come follow me."
2. Multitudes were thronging Christ, they were now hungry,
Jesus said to Phillip "whence are we to buy bread."
3. Certain Greeks came to Philip and said "we would see
When Jesus told of them, Philip heard his answer
"The hour is come, when the son of man is to be
glorified, verily. verily, I say unto you except
a grain of wheat fall into the ground and die it
abideth alone, but if it dies, it bears much
fruit." The Lord was facing the cross yet through
it he saw the triumph.
4. In upper room Jesus gird Himself with a towel.
C. In all these things God was seen - seeking men-meeting the
hunger of the crowd moving toward cross that men might be
redeemed taking place of slave to serve men who believed in
D. When you see Jesus you see God.
1. Eyes aflame words hot against hypocrisy. That is God.
2. Same eyes filled with tears Lazarus-Jerusalem.
Would you know God, would you discover Him? Then
come to Jesus Christ. "We beheld His glory as of
the only begotten of the Father, full of grace
and truth."