Book: Esther Print ( PC Only ) ESTHER 4:13, 14 "FOR SUCH A TIME AS THIS" I. GOD HAS A PLAN AND A PURPOSE FOR EACH LIFE. A. All of the events of the past preparation. 1. Vashtis' rebellion against kings order. 2. The edict to replace her. 3. God had a purpose in creating Esther an especially beautiful child. 4. Her being chosen as one to appear before the king. 5. Her being chosen by the king. a. She could have said "Oh Providence." b. She would have been absolutely correct. c. All a part of the divine plan. 6. God seeks- to prepare us for the work or purpose He has in mind for us. a. "All things work together for good...." b. That is not true for those who do not love God, not committed to His purpose. c. Some of the moves I made in the past that I thought were disasters, later turned out to be necessary to bring me where I am today. II. THE PURPOSES OF GOD IN THE EARTH SHALL STAND. A. He is sovreign and none can resist His will. 1. "Their enlargement and deliverance shall arise." 2. Even if you fail the purposes of God, shall not fail. a. Your life will become empty, void, and meaningless. b. You will find yourself in despair. 3. God will not exercise His sovereignty against your free-will. a. Having given to man the power of choice He respects your choice. 4. What God then does is to allow us the honor of being an instrument to fulfill His divine purpose. a. If we are obedient we receive that glorious sense of meaning and fulfillment. III. WHO KNOWS BUT THAT YOUR WHOLE PAST WASN"T BUT PREPARATION FOR THIS TIME. A. With Esther, her mission in life was fulfilled ina few days. 1. But she could live the rest of her life with the satisfaction that she had fulfilled the divine purpose for her life. 2. Many years of preparation, three days in fulfillment. B. How can we know what God has purposed for us? 1. By committing our life to Him. 2. Roman 12:1, 2. C. What if my time already has come and gone and I failed. 1. If you submit your life to Him you will probably dIscover that He allowed you to fail and experience to subsequent emptiness, so thatin the big moment. D. What have you got to lose? 1. "My reputation, I'm known as the biggest drunk, if they hear that I have become a Jesus freak, they will avoid me like the plague." a. Are they then real friends what is best for you? 2. "It mightbring an end to my career." a. It will be the beginning of His career. |