Book: Nehemiah
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Intro: Nehemiah has returned to Jerusalem from Babylon. After a secret midnight  sortic
       examining the ruble which was once a wall he announced his plan to  rebuild the wall.
       This brought immediate repercussions from the Palestinians.

        A. All of the great leaders of the Bible were men of prayer.
                1. Men who were conscious of their limitations.
                2. Men who knew the source of unlimited help and strength.
        B. Lack of prayer one of the mysteries of heaven.
                1. As the angels watch us in our struggles.
                        a. They see our futile efforts as we try one thing after another.
                        b. The watch our frustration and despair.
                        c. Why doesn't that dum-dum pray.
                2. When God has made His infinite resources available, why don't we use them?
        C. Some things I think I don't need to pray about.
                1. They are simple matters I can easily handle or.
                2. The answer is so obvious I know what to do.
                3. It's amazing how complex simple things can become or.
                4. How wrong I can be in my estimate of a situation.
                5. "Oh what needless pain we bear."

        A. Prayer is no excuse for irresponsibility.
                1. We are to pray yes.
                2. Then we must act in a responsible way.
                        a. God will guide us in our actions.
                        b. God will help us in our actions.
                3. "I prayed that God would pay my bills so I bought a new car and quit my job.
                    Why did God let them repossess my 28OZ."
        B. Prayer is not an excuse for laziness.
                1. I pray every morning that God will get me a job if he wants me to work.
                        a. Then what do you do?
                        b. I go surfing.
                        c. No employer is going to come swimming out through the surf to offer
                           you a job.
                        d. You must go out and knock on doors. 
        C. Prayer does not negate common sense. 
                1. It does not preclude prudent actions.
                2. We ask God to help us then we do what we can.
                        a. Expecting Him to guide us.
                        b. Knowing we are dependent on Him.
                        c. Giving Him the praise and glory when the task is
                                successfully completed.