Book: 2 Chronicles
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Intro: Illustration of God's abundant grace to sinners.

        A. He had sinned against the light and his early education.
                1. Father Hezekiah a godly king.
                2. He sought to build up what his father had torn down.
                        a. Set up idols.
                3. Some of the worst sinners were once exposed to the
                        a. Those who go wrong after good training are the
                           greatest enemies of God.
                                1. Marx, Lenin, Freud  and other of the 
                                   notable God hating athesists had early
        B. He was a bold sinner.
                1. When he set up an idol, did not seek to hide it in some
                   obscure place.
                        a. Put it right in the temple of God.
                2. Not the type to curse under his breath.
                3. He would insult God to his face.
                4. Give me a coward and you have given me nothing.
                5. He's the kind that you would despair of his ever being
        C. He led others into sin. vs. 9.
                1. Being king, he had great influence.
                2. He led the ranks in the rebellion against God.
                3. There are those today who are active in their fight
                   against God.
                        a. Not content to go to hell alone, they would
                           drag others with them.
                        b. Teachers who seek to deliberately destroy a
                           child's faith. 
        D. He forced his children into evil practices.
                1. Some type of        ed mind. vs. 6
                        a. Introduce own children to drugs or
                           alcohol - think it funny to see own child
                           stagger around drunk at age 2.
                        b. You had just as well give them rattlesnakes
                           as pets.
                        c. Though children followed him in sin, did not
                           follow in repentance.
        E. Sought to destroy the servants of God.
                1. Record in Kings "shed much innocent blood."
                2. Isa.?

        A. That is an unbeliever in Jehovah God.
                1. Every man is a believer in something.
                2. You say you can't buy the idea that God created all
                   things - "that too incredible."
                        a. Then tell me how did it all get here?
                        b. You are a greater believer than I - far
                           more credulous to be sure.
                ** c. You ask me how this building got here.
        B. Why was he an unbeliever?
                1. The life he desired opposed to God He wanted to
                   live in flesh indulgences "Molech."
                2. He was proud.
                        a. Read the BIble account of creation to a
                           child and he can understand and believe.
                        b. You mean I am to believe what that child
                           believes? I have to believe God's word?

        A. God brought about circumstances.
                1. King of Assyria came against Jerusalem.
                2. Took Manasseh among the thorns, bound him with
                   fetters, carried him to Baby.
        B. Vs. 12,13... In affliction sought Jehovah the God of his
                1. Early training came back - always there.
        C. He came back a changed man. - vs.15