Book: 2 Chronicles
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Intro: One of the most evil of all kings of Judah.
A. Sin against early training.
1. Father Hezekiah prayed for extension of life - God
granted 15 years in 3rd year Manasseh born.
2. Those who go wrong after good training are worst
men in the world.
3. Many times greatest champions of hell educated in
our ranks.
B. A bold sinner.
1. Did not put idol in some inconspicuous place, but
right in temple of God.
2. Boldness is sure to win the day.
a. Give me a coward, you give me nothing.
b. Give me a bold man, he will do
something - it may be evil; it may be good.
c. If he curses God, it is with a loud voice.
C. He led others to sin - "He seduced Judah to sin."
1. As a king, he had great influence.
2. He stood first in rank of idolaters.
3. When the ungodly went to wage war against God and
righteousness, he led the ranks and cheered the others
4. He led even his own children in idolatry. "caused his
children to pass through the fire: - Amon his son
reigned in his stead for 2 years" - vs.22 (children
follow in vices of parents, but seldom in repentance..
D. He shed much innocent blood - II Kings 21:26.
1. Sought to destroy those who opposed his -wickedness.
2. Isaiah was said to have been sown asunder by him for
rebuking his sin.
A. That is an unbeliever in Jehovah God.
1. He believed in many gods.
2. Followed superstitions.
3. Most credulous people in world are unbelievers
. . . it takes a thousand times more faith to be an
4. Someone tells me I am credulous because I believe that
God created the heavens and earth and all life forms
a. How do you think they got here?
b. I may believe that David killed a giant with a
sling and that Jonah was swallowed by a
whale - You say "How could a whale swallow a
man?" Much easier than I can swallow your
theory of creation.
B. Why an unbeliever?
1. Because of his power.
2. Because of his pride - pride is at the root of all sin.
3. His love for sin - he lusted after evil things.
III. MANASSEH THE CONVERT. "O the depth of the riches of grace."
A. Like the conversion of Saul of Tarsus, unbelievable.
B. Carried prisoner to Babylon, cried unto God.
1. He is no longer proud.
2. He is no longer powerful.
3. He is no longer a blasphemer.
C. The basis of his faith "Then he knew that Jehovah was God."
1. God had answered his prayer.
2. God had forgiven his sin.
a. How did he know?