Book: 2 Chronicles![]() II CHRONICLES 22:1 "THE THRESHING FLOOR OF ORNAN" Intro: David looking for sight to erect temple - a place to build alter - a place for ark. Jehovah - Jireh - in that Mt. shall the Lord be where Abraham offered His son as sacrifice - there sacrifices to be offered to God. David saw angel with unshuntled sword and cried, "This is the house of the Lord my God - and this is the alter of the burnt-offering for Israel. " Where may God be met? Where can offender meet God? - the cross a meeting place - the place of sacrifice. I. WHERE SHALL GOD'S TEMPLE BE? A. Externally there is nothing in any place that God should meet with man. 1. Simple - unadorned - unecclesiastical place, no fancy architecture. 2. Place of ordinary toil. Every place is holy where a holy heart is found. 3. In the possession of a Jebusite. 4. It had to be bought with money - religion that cost a man nothing is worth as much. II. SPIRITUALLY THE THRESHING FLOOR OF ORNAN ADMIRABLE TYPE OF HOW GOD MEETS WITH MAN. A. Extreme simplicity. 1. Golden corn being separated from husks by corn drag. a. Where did the corn come from? 2. I meet God where He give me food. a. On my job. B. Threshing floor - type of affliction. 1. Latin word for threshing - tribulation. 2. Meet God in tribulations. C. Place where justice clearly manifest. 1. Angel of God with drawn sword. 2. Some have never seen sin in its consequences and doom. 3. Take away the dread of the wrath to come and you take away reason for people to fly to God. 4. Men do not cry, "Lord save me" until forced to add "or I perish." 5. David saw results of his sin on others. D. Place where sinfully confessed 21:17. E. Place where sacrifice offered and accepted hastily piled up stones - took oxen used in threshing. 1. Calvary place where sacrifice offered and accepted. F. He saw the sign of peace-the angel had put sword back in sheath. |