Book: 2 Chronicles![]() II CHRONICLES 16:9 "NATURE OF GOD" I. CHARACTERISTIC OF GOD. A. How God Gives. 1. Three types of givers. a. Impresses, influenced, convinced. b. Waits to hear how much needed. c. Looks for places to invest. 1. China Island Missions. 2. Y.M.C.A. B. How some think God gives. 1st 1. Try to impress God with need. 2. Show God how He will advantage. 3. Convince Him of worth. 2nd 1. All we have to do is tell Him. 2. As soon as He finds out He will give. 3rd 1. Christ said "Your Father knows what you have need of before you ask." 2. "The eyes of the Lord run to and fro." Con- 3. Every right thing that we pray for God has already intended to give conclusion even before we ask. C. Does this then eliminate necessity of prayer. II. SECOND CHARACTERISTIC OF GOD. A. God respects our free moral agency. 1. Purpose of allowing. a. Created for His praise "To praise of the glory of His grace'' b. Only as free moral agents can we bring Him praise. 1. Illustrate -- Tying son. 2. Result of allowing free moral agency. a. Our lives bring true glory of God. 3. His respect of free moral agency seen in word. a. Balaam. b. Jacob. c. Jonah. B. God will not force anything upon us --without our permission. 1. Therefore, we are required to ask. a. "Ask and ye shall receive." b. "If we ask anything in my name." c. "If we ask according to His will." d. Never told to plead or beg. Prayer is to just open the door for God to move. |