Book: 2 Chronicles Print ( PC Only ) II CHRONICLES 14:11 "THE STATEMENT OF FAITH" I. "IT IS NOTHING WITH THEE TO HELP." A. How able is God? 1. What are His limitations? 2. "Now unto Him who is able to keep you." 3. "Now unto Him who is able to do exceeding." B. How strong is God? 1. Developing rockets with million pound thrust into orbit - 14 ton space ship travel at 7 miles per second. 2. Earth weighs an estimated 6,000 million tons - travels at 13 miles per second. 3. Sun over a million times bigger than earth travels 19 m.p.s. 4. Arcturus travels 15,000 mps. 5. Flung out stars from fingertips. C. Good to remind yourself of these things when you have some little mountain you want moved. D. "Whether with many, or with them that have no power." 1. The size of the enemy nor the insignificance of myself matters at all. 2. Oh the victories that lie with the man who will reckon according to God's ability! a. Jonathan can take just his armor bearer and put Philistine Army to flight. b. Little David - takes just his sling. 3. The race is not to the swift, nor the battle to the strong. II. "HELP US, O JEHOVAH OUR GOD" (the prayer of faith.. A. How many times foolish pride keeps us from this cry. 1. If I can possibly do it myself, then I'll try. 2. Why do I hesitate to ask God for help? 3. Why do I wait till the enemy has me backed to the wall before I cry? a. Pride - I would like to boast that I did this or I conquered that. B. "Ye have not because ye ask not." C. "It is the Father's good pleasure to give you the things of the kingdom." D. "For the eyes of the Lord." III. THE STEP OF FAITH - "IN THY NAME WE ARE GOING AGAINST THIS MULTITUDE." A. The power of a name. The name of Jesus. 1. If ye shall ask anything in my name. 2. "By the name of Jesus and through faith in His name." B. We're putting ourselves on your side. IV. THE WIT OF FAITH. "O Lord, thou art God, let not man prevail against thee." |