Book: 2 Chronicles
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Intro: This passage of scripture is God's direct response to Solomon's
prayer of dedication of the Temple.
A. This is a glorious promise of God.
1. It always amazes me that God will listen to me when
I pray.
a. I sometimes have a hard time getting people
to listen to me.
1. I find myself talking and no one
2. As I am speaking, they begin to
stare, then their heads drop.
2. God hears us when we pray!
a. What an encouragement for prayer.
3. God's Word contains many glorious promises related
to prayer.
a. "If you ask anything..."
b. "And whatsoever things ye desire..."
c. "Ask that ye might receive."
B. These promises are conditional.
1. "My people, called by My name."
2. To whom did Jesus make these promises? Disciples.
a. What constitutes discipleship?
1. Deny self.
2. Take up cross.
3. Follow me.
3. Common misconception about prayer.
a. An instrument by which I can persuade God
to do my will on earth.
b. Purpose of prayer is never my will be done.
4. Does this bother you?
a. It only bothers you when you don't know God.
1. God is wiser than I.
2. His will is superior to mine.
3. He wants to work His will in this
rebellious world.
4. He will not violate our power of
C. "Humble themselves and pray."
1. James said, "You have not because you ask not."
a. How many times it's just that simple.
2. Prayer should not be the last resort for the child of
3. It is quite possible that God is desiring to give
you that very thing you are so desperate for. Just
D. "Turn from their wicked ways."
1. If I regard iniquity in my heart . . .
2. The Lord's hand is not short.. . . neither is His ear
heavy. . .
A. People have turned their backs on God. They have walked after
their own desires through pride, thinking they know better
than God.
1. They have been taken into captivity.
2. The enemy has destroyed them.
B. If they will just humble themselves and pray and turn from
their wickedness and seek God's face.
1. Seek His will, surrender to Him.
2. God, which way are You facing?
C. I will hear from heaven.