Book: 1 Chronicles Print ( PC Only ) I CHRONICLES 16:31 "THE LORD REIGNETH" I. EVIDENCES OF HIS REIGN. A. From the atom to the universe. 1. Atom's heart or nucleus, positive charges. a. Coulomb's law of repulsion of like charge. b. 10-50 lbs. pressure to hold two protons together. c. 1 gram protons North Pole - 26 tons. d. "By Him all things consist" - "The Lord reigneth!" 2. The beautiful order of the Universe. a. Each star in orbit at varying speeds. b. The sun earth's energy source. 1. 70, 000 hp per sec. every sq. yd. 2. 1 million tons per second. (earth would be gone in 3 days) c. 100 sq. miles Arizona desert receives solar energy in day sufficient to run nation's industry 24 hours. II. IF THE LORD IS REIGNING WHY ---- A. Wars. B. Starvation. C. Sickness. D. Death. E. These all resulted from man's rejection of God's reign. F. God is still over all. Ill. THE AREA OF HIS REIGN. A. "My kingdom is not of this earth." 1. "When thou comest into thy kingdom.. " B. "Thy kingdom come, they will be done, in earth as it is in heaven." 1. the whole movement of history is towards this end. 2. man is proving his complete inability to rule himself. . . . every form of govt. has corrupted itself. 3. new systems and theories come along and offer hope for a while. C. Christ's kingdom is yet to extend over the earth. 1. "The kingdoms of this world have become the kingdoms of our Lord and of His Christ and He shall reign forever. D. The man the King wants to honor. |