Book: 1 Chronicles
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A. The need of knowing God.
1. To serve God you must know Him.
2. To love God you must know Him.
a. The more you know Him the more you love Him.
3. To trust God you must know Him.
a. He is able to keep you.
b. He is willing to keep you.
c. He wants to help you.
1. Not a matter of begging God.
2. Nor talking God into it.
3. It's letting God do it.
B. How can we know God?
1. Many people know of God.
a. They are certain He exists, somewhere, somehow.
2. Many think they know Him.
a. Their information comes from the wrong sources.
1. Satan is one of the most vociferous
teachers of theology.
a. Spreads false concepts of God.
b. He is the only teacher many
people have had.
2. They gather with their friends and
pool their ignorance.
b. God is not discovered by intellectual
quest - "Who by searching can find God?
3. God has revealed Himself in His Word.
a. The Bible is the source book of information.
b. You do not read math books to learn philosophy,
nor do you read philosophy books to learn
c. Jesus is the perfect representation of God.
1. He that hath seen me hath seen the
2. "No man hath seen God at any time.
3. To know Jesus is to know the Father.
To honor Jesus " " " " "
To serve Jesus " " " " "
A. How are we to serve Him?
1. With a perfect heart.
a. Word perfect means complete.
b. Some serve God half heartedly.
c. Some serve God conditionally.
2. With a willing mind.
a. Some people have to be pushed.
b. My wife used to say to me: "Honey, why are you
mowing the lawn when you have two strong boys?"
1. Easier to push the mower than them.
B. Why serve Him this way?
1. For the Lord searches the heart.
a. God is interested in motivations.
b. What may appear to be great service for God
may be great glory for flesh.
2. He understands all the imaginations of the mind.
a. If you can't serve Him that way, no use trying
to force it.
b. You may fool your friends, but you're not
fooling God.
A. So many seek the gifts of God, the benefits.
1. They seek healing.
2. They seek power.
3. They seek peace.
B. He will be found of Thee.
1. In Jeremiah, God said "In the day they seek Me with
their whole heart.
2. Jesus said "seek and ye shall find."
3. God can be known.