Book: 1 Chronicles![]() I CHRONICLES 16:31 "THE LORD REIGNETH" I. EVIDENCES OF HIS REIGN. A. In the Universe - "Let the heavens be glad." 1. The stars in their perfect orbits. 2. The sun as the heat and energy source. a. Earth could only survive 3 days. b. One square mile of Arizona desert receives enough solar energy in 1 hr. to run all of our industries for a year. 3. In the atom. B. In the delicate balances of nature - "Let the earth rejoice." 1. The oxygen - carbon dioxide balance. 2. The oxygen content in the air -79 nitro 3. The water-land ratio - 2l oxyg C. In the beautiful designs of creation. 1. We are fearfully and wonderfully made. a. The heart and blood stream. b. The brain and nervous system. 2. I was watching some black ants the other day. a. I marveled when I considered how small their brains must be. 3. I was listening to a mockingbird this morning rehearsing his rarity of calls "The Lord reigneth" II. IF THE LORD IS REIGNING, THEN WHY ALL THE CALAMITIES? A. Why do we have wars? 1. Bodies being maimed 2. People being killed - families sorrowing B. Why do we have riots? 1. civil disobedience and confusion. C. Why so many people hungry while others are over-fed? D. Why sickness, aging process and death? E. Why are some babies born with deformities? F. Man has attempted to usurp God's authority. 1. The earth's ills are the result of man's rebellion to God's will. a. Even death and aging process the result of sin. b. This planet has been in rebellion against God. 1. God has allowed this rebellion. a. He could have stopped it at the beginning. b. He has used it to display His love. c. He is using it now to wake people up - "O God reign." 2. The rebellion is about over. III. "THE LORD REIGNETH." A. How glorious when this can be declared on a personal level. 1. I reigned for a long time. a. Exhalted my wisdom against God's. b. Things get so messed up - you can't believe. B. How comforting. 1. God is ruling now over my life. "All things are working together for good." 2. Should some calamity befall, "The Lord reigneth." 3. The place of peace-joy-rest-comfort. |