Book: 2 Kings
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II  KINGS 6:17


Intro: Elisha reveals the plans of Ben-Hadad. He orders him captured.
       Surrounds  Dothan with troops Elisha's servant cries out in
       despair. Elisha prays that his  eyes may be opened.

        A. Great men of God were spiritually aware.
                1. Abraham (entertained the angels).
                2. Moses (burning bush..
                3. Joshua (captain of Lord's host).
                4. Ezekiel (spiritual visions).
                5. Daniel (visited by angels).
                6. Peter (angel led him out of prison).
                7. Paul (angel stood by him in storm..
        B. Spirit forces of good and evil.
                1. God created many ranks of spirit beings to serve Him,
                   called  angels.
                2. One of the top ranked angels rebelled against Him.
                a. The scripture indicates that 1/3 joined in.
        3. They now war against God's faithful angels and His saints.
                        a. Angel told Daniel of conflict and capture
                           until release by  Michael.
                        b. "We wrestle not against flesh and blood."
        C. We are involved in spiritual warfare.
        1. They can cause physical maladies.
                        a. Paul speaks of his stake in the flesh.
                        b. Jesus spoke of woman bound by Satan for
                           eighteen years.
        D. Jesus in His death and resurrection triumphed over all the
           foes of  darkness.
        1. They are still fighting against us. 
        2. In Him we can have complete victory.

        A. He saw the Syrian army had surrounded the city, the
           situation looked  hopeless.
                1. Elisha said don't be afraid we have them outnumbered.
                2. Then He asked God to open the servants eyes.
                a. He then saw the chariots of fire ringing the mountain.
        B. How differently things look when your eyes are opened.
                1. Looking at the physical, we are surrounded, we
                   haven't got a  chance.
                2. Looking at the spiritual, they are surrounded, they
                   haven't got a  chance.
        C. Our problem is looking only at the physical.
                1. We see the hopelessness of our situations. 
                2. We cannot see anyway out.
                3. We cry out in despair.
        D. Our solution a new perspective.
        1. That our eyes may be opened.
                a. They that are with us are more than be with them.
                b. "Greater is He that is in you than he that is in the
        E. Looking at world scene today.