Book: 1 Kings![]() I KINGS 18 "THE GOD WHO ANSWERS BY FIRE" I. ISRAEL'S CONDITION. A. Completely backslidden. 1. 450 Prophets for BaaI. 2. One for God. B. Inward corruption about to ruin nation. C. Hearts alienated from God. D. Hearts hardened against God. 1. Three years no rain. E. Elijah did not challenge the God who answers by rain. 1. Get hearts right & rain will come. 2. Needed fire first for purge. II FIRE OF HOLY SPIRIT TWOFOLD EFFECT. A. Purge out sin. B. Convince of true God. Ill BAAL'S PROPHETS. A. Long Prayers. B. Great demonstrations. C. No fire. Ill ELIJAH A. Short prayer of faith. B. Fire of God. |